Studio News


December 3, 2015

I am having to cancel my participation in the winter market in the Methow Valley on December 12-13 — please expect an Etsy shop update on those days, instead.


[I have seen the osprey miss her mark, rise up from the river with her talons streaming with water and weeds, beat her wings dry on the hot updrafts at the cliffs edge and try again, with fire in her eyes.]7I9A7131

[An Unlikely Marriage Necklace]7I9A7128

[Rags & Riches Cuff]7I9A7100 7I9A6880

[An Unlikely Marriage Ring]7I9A6869

[When you fling your head back to sing at the sky, sing of what is in your heart.]

Alright.  Here’s what I have going on.  On the 12th and 13th of December I will be up in Twisp Washington at the Confluence Gallery (my home gallery) for a winter market.  I’m working hard in the studio now and all my inventory is committed to that show.  I don’t know what has come over me since this is actually my second “market-y” thing I have done in less than six months and perhaps the fourth show I have done in my 9 years of smithing but I really enjoyed my open studio tour weekend this fall and when my gallery asked me to do this winter market, my heart wanted to, so I said yes.

It’s been a lot of work, building inventory for this thing, and I’m starting to get tired and to physically break down a bit (neck and shoulder and back stuff…the usual…nothing that the hot springs down the road can’t fix though!).  I have seven more work days in the studio before I make a break for the North and I’m going to make them count!

If you are in the area or in Seattle or wherever, I would love to see you in the Methow Valley at the market!  The valley is artist rich, as I have told you before, so if you come to see me and my wares prepare to enjoy the work of others, too!  I will have a lot of work left over after this show and look forward to updating my Etsy shop, finally, as soon as I can once I am home in Idaho again.

As for the actual pieces coming out of my studio right now, well, I’m just making what I am witnessing out there.  I’m living in the wild, high desert of Idaho right now on a huge river and the bird activity is insane.  I’m learning so much from watching and being a part of the natural world around me!  It’s so much fun.  It’s so much fun and I am creating with such joy.  Such joy.  I can’t wait to offer up everything I’ve been working on.


  1. Shoot! That’s the weekend we’re in NYC for a wedding or else I’d try to make it over the cascades to you. Hope it goes splendidly!

  2. Oh my, oh my, oh my. What a temptation. If the stars align and the winds are right I may come out to see your lovely face and wonderful work. Meanwhile, I’ll be drooling over these beauties. 🙂

    • MONIQUE!!! I have had to cancel that show for a couple of reasons! Don’t go to the Methow unless you are planning on skiing! XX

      • How sad the show won’t work out after all the work you put in! I wouldn’t have been able to go after all – Sunday holiday dinner with the boss – but I WILL be visiting Etsy. 😉

  3. Oh, the Osprey! (How did I know you were spending time with that raptor!?!?) You’ll see.
    Love the raised body of the heron…all silvery, shiny & smooth.
    And that handful of rocks in delicious shapes and colors. Better than jelly belly’s!
    Should be a fun show. Lively and wintry bustle in the town, a prelude to Christmas.
    I will be there in spirit. 🙂

    • YES! You know, I dreamed up that design element for myself back when I was doing all my big, enameled narrative pieces a few years ago. I loved giving the animal forms I was working with a little vertical volume — I also had reason to believe that kind of metal forming makes enameled jewelry more durable. Anyway, I’ve returned to it these past few months with some of my sterling designs and really like how everything has been turning out so far. Thanks for noticing that detail.


  4. Beautiful artwork!

  5. how perfect, the translation of what you see in your daily life, your environment, into your silversmith’d artwork. i see little elements of nature in your photos, and then, they appear in metal. dang, you’re good.

  6. Roberta Malkiewiucz says

    What a treasure trove of goodies you have here my dear! One just tastier than the other.
    Sadly I can only touch them in my dreams. I guess if I wish I may, wish I might, a piece or two might be here some night. Have a great show and still have leftovers. 🙂

  7. Elizabeth Waggoner says

    Oh, Jillian – These pieces are beautiful!! One of these days . . . .! I love the Heron. I’m enchanted with long-necked birds anyway – all of them – herons, egrets, geese, and especially swans. There is something so graceful about them.
    For some reason, your posts seem to show up in bunches for me – nothing for a while, then three days worth. A couple days late, but I wanted to say how much I appreciate your post about your hunt. Not only are your photos exceptional, (not to mention my old stomping grounds) but I think your attitude about hunting is a gift. Back in the day, I cooked in hunting camps, dealt with guides and hunted myself. It’s a strange thing when you put a gun in someone’s hands and see their demeanor change before your eyes. Sometimes you could see the respect – and sometimes you just knew it was a mistake. Either way, you’re on the right track in sharing the positive side. Bless you for that.

    • I’m not sure if they’re showing up late…I think I just literally write a blog post four days in a row instead of once every few weeks like I was for a while! I have a lot to share these days!

      Thanks for these kind words. XX

  8. These are delightful!

  9. Jillian,

    Three things:

    1. Your jewelry is stunning, as always.
    2. Those snowy, wintery pictures are gorgeous! I wish I fit in your pocket and could see these places with you.
    3. Was that your lovely mug I saw in the most recent Filson catalog, modeling some sort of jacket? Because if so, you should update your bio to include your new status as Filson cover model.

    Cheers to you and the Mister.

  10. Jillian

    I read and retread your posts when they appear. Your words and pictures renew my soul. I can only imagine what living in that spectacular landscape does for you. The creator has blessed you with wonderful gifts and you do not disappoint. I just had a thought that if you and Stevie nicks ever collaborated it would be explosive. When I look at your pictures I see Stevie’s music come to life.

  11. I seriously was planning how I could fit a visit in to the market and then I went back to the top and saw you had to cancel your involvement….bummer
    so now I am off to you Etsy shop to see your beautiful wares
    How are you my Canadian sister????

    Love and Light

    • I am ready to take a Christmas break!!! Ready for a little holiday! Ready to get out of the studio and into the wilds for a little while. And I’m very good besides all of that. Love seeing you here! XX