Around Here

7I9A70617I9A7912 7I9A79077I9A7079 7I9A70837I9A70977I9A7203 7I9A7235 7I9A7286 7I9A72977I9A71787I9A7830 7I9A78627I9A8146 7I9A8148 7I9A8152 7I9A81577I9A80877I9A79397I9A6638 7I9A6680 7I9A6737 7I9A6759It’s difficult to believe that it’s only been winter for a couple of days (officially).  The times here are finally quiet with a sense of steadiness and lack of rushing, which is how I always think the end of the year should play out.

Quiet.  Introspective.  Cold.  Steady.  Restful.

Before all things begin anew.




  1. Hurricane Girl says

    A face to love!!!

  2. a good way to spend some quiet evening time :: perusing all the photos in this post!!

    i love that you live beside the snake river….it’s one of my favourites….so peaceful yet so powerful….


  3. I want to kiss that sweet dog face!

  4. Many lovely images to soothe the eyes…thank you and Merry Christmas!

  5. Shalom Y’all!! LOVE it 🙂 Happiest of holidays and New Year love to you and your pack!!

  6. Oh my but you capture your life so beautifully and share it with us! Merry Christmas from sunny Thailand where it is already Christmas Day. Sending you sunshine and love.

  7. Lynsey Czarnetzki says

    I always adore the colours in your images. Stunning!!

  8. Your photos are so refreshing. What a beautiful place!

  9. Hi,
    Just stumbled across your blog. I love your photos. I read that you use a 50d… have you upgraded since? If so, what are you using now?

    You are so inspiring!


  10. Those dogs, those muzzles!!! I love how you’re holding their faces~ and I love everything about your outdoor adventures. A kitteh in the midst is a nice treat, too! Revel in your beloved winter!! xo