Happy New Year

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We kicked the new year off with dear friends and dogs, out in the snow, burning sage to keep warm, brewing cowboy coffee, picnicking in the cold wind and gliding through the white on our skis under a bluebird sky.  I can see the beauty, hope and promise of the new year laid out before me in a gentle swath of potential.

It’s mine for the molding, creating, carving and living.

It’s yours too.

Let’s not forget it.


  1. there ain’t nothing like it, laying out the plans for each new day….

  2. Sometimes there are just not words to describe how a picture makes you feel.

    Cheers to a fresh start 😀

  3. Happy New Year! Beautiful words + reminder there at the end. Probably something that should be in front of our faces each and every day as a check point. Thanks, Jillian. 🙂

  4. If this year’s alchemy is anything like these magical pictures, it will be beautiful indeed. You seem to have captured the creation of the world itself, and the ancient awe of man in front of fire… Truly mesmerizing (and inspiring). Let’s not forget to live our life with awe (and gratitude, and joy, and trust). Fierce and peaceful wishes to you, Jillian :o)


  5. Perfect sentiment! Happy New Year to you and yours!

  6. Elizabeth Waggoner says

    A Joyous and Blessed New Year to you ALL. Hope this year brings you everything you could hope for!

  7. Happy New Year to you too and everyone reading this website (meaning a lot of people) wishing you all that you want, wish, need, like, love, and even what you didnt think about and thank you for your wishes too, this year is going to be fabulous!!!!!
    ps: do I need to say that once more those photographs are sublime

  8. Happy New Year to you too, Bird woman.
    Hope it’s a smokin’ double for all of us this year!
    (I really don’t know what that means but it sounded so good I just had to use it!)
    Love ya!

  9. A very happy new year to you and yours!

  10. Ah, that makes me want to go burn some sage in my little home and wish for the big open woods and plains!