Freshly Finished

7I9A2212These necklaces turned out so well. I started in on them before we left for New Mexico and just finished them up moments ago.  The variscite featured in these simple settings is rich and vivid in smooth cuts (I’m crazy for this hue of green lately) but what makes these necklaces really lovely is the articulated double bail points made of four hammer formed, hammer textured, hand pierced birds that seem to make the stones gently drift in place around the neck — like a piece of beautiful debris riding the surface of the river.  The word fluid comes to mind.  To be frank, it’s just a great design.  I can’t wait to hear what the three of you think when you put these necklaces on for the first time, whoever you may be.

I’ll try to have these beauties in the shop for you on Monday, as soon as I can properly photograph them and build listings.

Now I’m off to practice my spiritual gift which is randomly finding antlers while joyfully strolling about under this wide, Western sky.



  1. This morning I watched two bald eagles circle each other amicably way up high for a good long while. It must feel incredible to glide effortlessly, fearlessly, in the quiet expanse of a big blue sky. These necklaces evoke the peace and awe I felt watching them. They’re just beautiful, Jillian.

  2. may you be blessed with MANY antlers. and many more delightful designs for noisy plume finery….

  3. Gorgeous!!! and that green !!!!

  4. I have an antler finding story which goes like this: Ever since I can remember I’ve been very much a nature child. Outdoors is my place. Growing up I spent countless hours roaming off the beaten path places. Even so I never found a shed antler….even though I was quite observant. I spied my first one when I was in my late 20s living in Wisconsin. I was on a hike with my husband and I said to him… know…I’ve never come across an antler….but I really want to. That was the first time I ever declared it….within five minutes (I am not joking) I found my first one! Ever since then when I’m out and about in places were antlers are I find them so often…they are piling up! 🙂

  5. Roberta Malkiewiucz says

    Hi Jillian,
    Enjoying you blog as I always do. Love the necklaces. will you be listing the time you will post in Etsy?
    Hugs, Bert

  6. That green is killin’ me!

  7. LIVING THE DREAM!! Queen of the racks!
    (And that ring post above- HOT DAMN!)

  8. Lovely soul hand-captured jewelry…amazing birds…