Jackrabbit Juju (if you believe in that juju mumbo jumbo)


I go outside a lot and when I am out there, I find a lot of cool things.  I used to bring it all home with me but now I try to practice a little self-control and I bring home only the best specimens.  In point of fact, I’m starting to leave antlers behind if they are less than perfect, according to my personal sense of perfection.  Anyway, I found a full jackrabbit spine scattered about in pieces while hunting quail in some sand dunes in New Mexico this winter past.  I set my shotgun against a yucca, bent low, collected all the tiny vertebrae and put them in my trusty zip-lock bag which I carry for just such purposes while I’m in the field.

I loved the shape of this particular bone and it cast up beautifully in sterling.

I added it to a little vignette that also features a cut of OLDoldOLD rough top turquoise I procured while on a desert trip to Utah two winters ago.  The pendant is flanked on one side by one of those ridiculously beautiful carved turquoise crosses that I’m admittedly besotted with (and I’ve been little panicky lately
because my stock in those beads is growing a little low…

Anyway, I love how this piece turned out and I’ve been making plenty of other interesting things so look for a shop update late next week.