Take me to the river.  Dip me in the water.

7I9A9208 7I9A9209 7I9A9210 7I9A9211I love this sequence of Hilary paddling class III on the Main Salmon in an inflatable kayak.  I went down something similar on one of those…how do you say…SUP boards?  I ate crap.  Real bad.  Apparently lungs aren’t meant to hold water.

That said, I’ve never minded vigorous river baptisms.  I don’t even think I mind being pulled under water, like a spindly rag of seaweed, tossed and turned like a pair of lacy undies in the washing machine.  I like the bright and squinting moment when I pop up into the sky once more, hear the rapids heavy with fizzing air all around me, gulp down some oxygen, and then go subaqueous once more.

I think I like it because I’ve watched the fish do it and they seem so joyful when they reach up and kiss the seam of air that stitches the river to the sky.  But also, to be in it, to sense the power of it, to be lifted up and dragged down by it is to know it.  To know it is to understand it.  To understand it is to love it.  To love it is to respect it.

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  1. Jennifer says


    White water rafting is one of my favorite activities – albeit guided is my preference. It’s very unlike me. I tend to track on the less extreme of activities… except for this.

    I’ve loved it ever since I was “dipped” by a class 4. My foot stayed firm in it’s holder on the raft floor – the rest of me flipped backwards over the side submerging my head, arms and torso under water. After awhile the river flipped me back into the boat on my seat as if nothing had happened… I’ve loved white water ever since 🙂

  2. nathalie says

    I have never done this, looks extraordinary.
    Only river kayak (and on the ocean too but no rapids like those ones)
    And looking forward to see you in your new home this Fall.

  3. BADASS!! Not to mention those beautiful old boats!
    Inflatable kayaks…you’re brave.
    I’ve only canoed some gnarley rapids and it is an exhilarating rush, for real.
    Your photography for this trip is Nat-geo impressive. I got goosebumps.

  4. i think of you every time i hear that song.
    that one, and, ride the river by j.j. cale and eric clapton.

    good stuff, this beautiful poetic posy on the power of the water.

  5. That looks absolutely terrifying! Love your posts again and again;) keep doin what your doin gurl! I especially like the part about respecting the power of the river, so true!

  6. Mashed potatoes says

    That looks like loads of fun!!! xx

  7. Jillian, you are a wordsmith! You were able to put into words the feeling that I have experienced all too many times (but yet, not enough!)when I paddle out in large surf. To surrender to the power of the water is all you can do. Isn’t it amazing the peace that you find under there? You pop up and have a whole new perspective on life. When gnarly waves break on my head I always tell myself that it’s my karma coming back at me, and when I get out I feel like I can conquer the world again….I am forgiven:)This post got me all excited!!!! Thank you for that. By the way, my husband did a SUP on rapids early this summer too, and he was forgiven 🙂