
7i9a20477i9a2640 7i9a2650 7i9a91547i9a26777i9a2029 7i9a20387i9a4270 7i9a4274 7i9a42881.  That’s our new mouser, Sugar Baby.  I originally named her Bronte because she came to me from the moors, cold and alone.  But since then, her name has transmogrified into something else and it suits her. She’s a handful.

2.  We moved the Airstream home from McCall yesterday which means we are now living in two places at once instead of three!  We’re slowly simplifying our lives here (in some ways) but for now, it just feels really nice to have made it through another fire season, safe and sound.

3.  We still have not moved into the farm.  Robert will begin a kitchen demolition tomorrow and since we have some travels planned, we’ll be scurrying here and there and everywhere until December which is when we hope to finally move into our new place.  I’m homesick for our new house.  I’m homesick for my studio.

4.  We picked almonds today which involves climbing a ladder and shaking the branches until they let go of the fruit.  Almonds are beautiful.  So many folks don’t know what an almond looks like before it winds up in a trail mix with cranberries and peanuts.  Well, they come dressed up in a thick skin of chartreuse velvet.  I kid you not.  They’re exquisite.  We have a whole orchard of the darn things.  A fresh almond tastes like a squeeze of fresh marzipan.  The flavor is off the charts and the nut meat moist and lovely.

5.  That’s our weeping willow.  That’s our trout pond.  That’s our irrigation working hard.  That’s our hay field.  That’s our reaped hay cut and drying in a lovely swath.  That’s me, making a hay angel, because how could I resist?



  1. What a gorgeous farm cat, on a gorgeous farm! Congratulations on simplification, I hope it just gets better and better!

  2. that last photo :: testament to the perfectly perfect idyllic life you lead down on the farmy.

  3. Life is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing yours 😀

  4. You look soooooooooooooooooo happy together on that last photo (and elsewhere actually) so happy you will move soon to your home sweet home!!!

  5. Can’t wait to see the new studio! I love peeks into creative spaces 🙂

  6. You look really happy, not that you don’t normally, but there’s just this sense of contentment in your person. Cheers to your new homestead!

  7. Yay for all the yay worthy stuff. One of my lives was farmy and I enjoyed it to the max. Your place looks splendid and don’t forget to take before pictures of the kitchen. I love seeing transformation! 🙂

  8. Thank you for the photos. I also spend time growing my own food and creating art…Michelangelo grew grapes along with creating…it’s a pretty honest (and healthful) life :)!

    • I think combining a little cultivating with a full-time creative life brings a sense of humility and simplicity to the work of our hands. I’m glad to do it. And I hope to help provide for my community, too, in the years to come.

  9. Lauran Vieland says

    I’m so happy for you guys!!!

  10. Michele leblanc says

    Your amazing, your writing is amazing, I just enjoy all that you do;)

  11. Happy for you too…will be so safe with that gorgeous mouser : )

  12. AK_Aviatrix says

    Wonderful! It’s my dream to have a farm one day! Also, I read you post called ‘The Same’ and I couldn’t figure out where to comment, but I loved what you had to say and as always you have such a way with words…love your fire!

  13. Catherine Chandler says

    You have a weeping willow! That is so beautiful, all of it. So happy for you guys!

  14. We are so lucky that you share your beautiful life with us. Special -kisses- to Penelope, the farm participator!!

  15. Home For Christmas!!! Perfection! 4

    • I think a December move-in is tremendously optimistic at this point…we’re in the thick of the kitchen gutting job (including the ceiling)…it’s such a disaster zone!

  16. “Transmogrified”! That reminds me of Calvin and Hobbs and the Transmogrifier. I miss them in the newspaper every day 🙂

  17. Genie Bragg says

    I’m coming to your space a bit late but wanted to tell you that my heart literally starting flipping at these beautiful photos. I’m so very happy that you get to call this place and all those lovely creatures – yours. xoxo