7i9a5853I’m working on ten things at once in the studio, letting the spirit lead and simply going with the flow, bouncing back and forth between projects, falling back into the sketch book for reference, and then winging it and going totally off the reservation.  It feels nice.  I managed to finish this ring tonight, just before sundown (Is there something symbolic about that?) — it’s a combination of a schwack of elements I’ve been using in my designs for over a year now:  moon, heart, bird, wolf and turquoise cross.

It’s a hopeful start, a joyful meander, a re-entry into metal after a while away.  It’s so good to wander a little.  I’ll sleep well tonight.


  1. oh my lanta- this is stunning, and definitely rocks the soul-boat!

    I actually have a question about your rings: are they relatively easy to resize if brought to a jeweller? I tried to get one of the forest rings awhile back but I took too long clicking through the listings trying to find my size! So maybe next time I won’t worry about that.
    (Or it might be helpful if the size was posted at the beginning of the listing title) 🙂

    • yahooo I snagged a forest ring last night- how serendipitous!
      and I see my problem… I was on the mobile Etsy app which doesn’t show the full listing title with the size hence the Etsy chaos!!


  2. Oh how beautiful! Sleep well, wander in your dream.

  3. I’m a ring freak, so this positively sends me thanks to the elements in this piece. You are incredible, Jillian. I love how your receptivity leads you to each exquisite translation of inspiration. You rock my universe. Happy dreams, dreaming woman!

  4. Oooooohhhhhh! That’s a Good One!!!

  5. I don’t come here often, but when I do, I’m so refreshed. It’a a place of such peace and calm reflection. Thanks.

  6. geez. what happened?! you are channeling all nature and heaven as they sing a silver song. [with a turquoise chorus.]

  7. Absolutely gorgeous ring!!!! You’re the best!

  8. Eileen Weigand says

    This is gorgeous and I still want a ring…several years of praying for one!! Xoxo

  9. Thank you for your perspective on the political climate. I just want to move forward, (don’t we all?). Every time I visit your site it makes me miss my shorthair, and chasing birds! Keep at it..