7i9a6938 7i9a6946 7i9a6952 7i9a6953 7i9a6962 7i9a6970 7i9a6994 7i9a7018 7i9a7034 7i9a7071

It’s all frozen now, including the trout pond at the farm, which I will skate on tomorrow morning.


  1. There’s that aqua-Jade body of water I love!! (Incidentally, I’m sobbing over you leaving the river house). Oh, I knew it wasn’t forever, but I have become so fond of that place.
    You’ve performed studio magic again. The gold spotted trout, turquoise crosses and dangly silver moon earrings are a dream.
    As is the thought of you doing patchwork and a single salchow on your pond! 🙂

  2. 6

  3. Wow, one can feel the soft and hard of cold in these images. How old is Penelope now? She’s one doughty critter!
    (So I typed this sentence and then answered the anti-robot question below, and the answer to that got posted. Ergo the cryptic 6)

    • Pene will be 9 this year!!! Even her toe furs are growing white these days.

      And I love that cryptic 6 — made me laugh aloud.

      • I figured (even though it was accidental) that lone 6 would at least raise an eyebrow. Glad it amused!
        White TOE furs?! That’s radical 😉
        Uumaa is now 11 and baby Taya 6. I wish their life spans were comparable to ours! Both are doing great. Taya is a running fool and Uumaa still a force of nature, albeit slower.

  4. I love your winter pictures. Truly I don’t know I’ve seen any pictures of yours that I haven’t taken pause to view. One sits above my desk now – a black and white beach shot with you leaping, heart to sky. And that I must tell you was an incredible bit of coincidence (if one believes in that which I do not) I had sketched a picture so similar a few days before you posted that shot on your blog – I caught my breath and stared in wondrous disbelief it was it my sketch, a dedication to staying grounded while also leaping soul to heavens, had come to life. I missed my chance to purchase this one full size, but I do love this post card version so much. But I’m rambling and off track – your winter pictures – I must say they beckon to me. I turn into a hermit in the winter… snuggling in and dreading any required journeys about outdoors. But, over the years of reading your blog – my despise of winter turned to acceptance to appreciation to, dare I say, a time to look forward to? Amazing what pictures can do. Love from a wintery, snowy Oregon where the coldest temp I’ve saw so far has been 3 degrees… and I didn’t hate it.

  5. these photos.
    that river holds one of my favourite colours.
    and PENELOPE. such a beauty queen. even the best of us turn white, you know.


  6. PENE!! I have no favorites, ahem… she’s my fave, maybe!! Such beautiful captures, Mz. Plume. I would love for Pene to be snuggled in my stocking early on the 25th (ho ho ho).

  7. I hope you have a lovely Christmas~ Blessings to you and your family <3

  8. I can’t get over the color of that water!!! Magical!!!!