“How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”

[Annie Dillard]


  1. you sure know how to spend the time given to you!!
    excellent view. even tater seems to be enjoying this scenery!

  2. Living the dream! xoxo

  3. nathalie says

    Never thought of it that way, interesting…can even be scary…..must pay attention from now on!!!

  4. Oh, how I love Annie Dillard.

  5. I’ve been working nonstop for the past six months and somehow lost my connection to you. I got all caught up in your space today…your farm makes my heart ache. My thoughts are with Robbie this fire season as so many before. I know it is sacred space buy my soul is pining to see more of your home. I know we will get peeks when you are good and ready to give them! 😉 Your images remind me of the immense beauty of this country when the daily news tends to make me forget. Thank you. xoxo