+Of The West+


  1. gosh. those beaded earrings. truly spectacular.

    count me in :: i want a [+] bit’o’silver for my wrist.


  2. Summer is my busy time at work too…deals are the only way I make it through. The Summer weather wears me down. I prefer it cool/cold so I feel trapped in A/C. I eat too much and sit too much. I miss hiking and trail walking with my dogs. They feel the heat too. I look forward to fall…

    • Summer temps are the WORST. I can’t stand the heat but I sort of force myself to stay active despite the weather. You know what else I started doing religiously this year? I started drinking an electrolyte powder (I use “Thorne Research” brand) in the morning and then again in the heat of the afternoon. It’s done wonders for my mental clarity as well as simply helping to keep my energy levels up when I would usually start to feel really wilted. You might find this makes a difference for you, too.

      I look forward to fall, too, though. Rob and I are together again, hunting the dogs, hunting big game, enjoying the harvest of the gardens and orchards…just a sweet time after the fire of summer.

      Love having you here.


  3. Gorgeous, of course. I swear, this blog is the place I go to to find my Zen place these days. Just a couple of photos and I FEEL my shoulders relax.

    • That’s such a nice thing for you to say and MY APOLOGIES for almost a month of radio silence in this space. I’ve been having serious WIFI issues and taking a lot of mini trips and hosting guests…I just couldn’t find the time. 🙂

      Stay zen, baby.

  4. so beautiful! I’ve been wishing for a plume piece for my wrist! 🙂

  5. I love those sun shots you get – shining just beyond you or Robert or the dogs.