Bevy of Baubles

These dendritic agate rings run sizes 6-9.5 (as always, they’ll fit slightly smaller than they measure).

This batch of rings runs small, size 5.5-6.5.  I have four more partly built.  I hoped to have them ready for tomorrow but unexpectedly, I had to haul my horse to and from the vet yesterday and it cost me the entire day.  I simply cannot get these other rings made in time for Friday morning.  They will be larger sizes so hold onto your ponies!  They’ll eventually make their way into my shop — your patience is appreciated.
I will be stocking my shop shelves on Friday February 23 @ exactly 10AM (MOUNTAIN TIME ZONE).  Thank you all for your consideration!  It’s always my joy to create for you.



  1. Chris Moore says

    I hope Resero is OK!!!

    • He went through a fence. He needed some stitching up but he’ll be ok. Poor guy! Could have been so much worse…

      Thanks for asking about him, Chris. Appreciate that so much.


  2. So glad Resero is OK… I saw he’s bandage on Insta and was worried!

  3. Heidi Mireles says

    I received a perfect package today. My ring is true to it’s name, “the Sagebrush Ring”. Mine looks like a sagebrush in bloom. An image in stone of Nevada’s state flower. A perfect symbol for a native Nevadan. I am thrilled Jillian, it is a fabulous piece.