Tiny Magical Pronghorn

I’m having too much fun working on these tiny little (anatomically accurate) fellas!


  1. the onlyhurricanegirl says

    Magical, that they are. I am looking forward to fighting the mob for one of these beaut!!

  2. Paul Boggs says

    Opened a email from Orvis this morning and guess who I saw??? You and Rob gracing the page…..Your heart and spirit are infectious and I am thankful for you allowing us to share the journey!

  3. Chris Moore says

    That is a lot of work in those tiny little things! I love the whole thing, but my fave are the legs. I like how they taper.

  4. so magical, indeed!

  5. Very cute and wonderful, love them! I just got my new Orvis catalog yesterday – congratulations, you have made me want to buy every single item in that catalog! You looked beautiful and woodsy and original and feisty – what a great inspiration to women you are! Hope you are enjoying the last days of summer, as the wonderful cool days of Fall are finally upon us – here in the northeast there’s still just green and humidity, so it will be wonderful when the colors change and it’s sweater time again!