Briefly…on the topic of customs fees:

What I am about to say is not about anyone in particular (I am not calling anyone out) but I want to address something real quick-like this morning. I regularly have international customers request that I declare a low dollar value on jewelry shipments that are shipping to destinations outside of the USA…OR that I declare that their shipment is a gift instead of declaring it as merchandise. This puts me an a truly awkward position. I have to sign customs paperwork for every package I ship internationally stating that I have truthfully declared the value of the contents of packages I am mailing. To falsely declare the value of these objects is to lie — it is in fact ILLEGAL for me to do so. If I were to be caught doing this I would face fines!

I understand where these requests are coming from, I’ve been asked to do this for years by many different individuals, and I agree, getting smacked with an additional customs fee is awful. I don’t want that for any of my customers but lying about the contents of my shipments puts my integrity in jeopardy as well as the integrity of my business. It’s illegal. I cannot do it. I apologize. I appreciate the support of all my ladies and gentlemen in Canada, Europe, Central America, South America and all around the rest of the world. I will go to the ends of the earth to serve my supporters and very often do, but this is the one customer service request I cannot fulfill for you.

My apologies!

Sincerely, Jillian