Slow And Steady

Slow and steady is the motto in the studio right now as I chip away at building you a new batch of work. While I have been listing new offerings at random since I switched over to the new shop space, I have had some requests for a scheduled update lately and I think I’ll acquiesce to those requests before shifting back into random shop stocking mode. Hang tight for details regarding the date and time and as always, thank you so much for supporting me in my work.


  1. Chris Moore says

    I love the green, it glows in an other worldly way! I also love your hands, they are workin’ hands! As an aside, I met both the Clintons, Bill and Hillary at book signings. When I shook his hand, his hand was very soft, almost sqishy. Her hands? They were firm and sure, secure. No politics, no agenda, just sayin’.

  2. Carla Green says

    i love your random shop updates. the scheduled ones felt like a grab and go. do what serves you.

  3. those pollinator necklaces are GORGEOUS! everything you create is brilliant!

  4. Heidi Mireles says

    The love calm shopping. I check every morning for new items. Hoping to snag…not frantically panicking to grab a piece. All I can say lady, make lots. You know what I’m looking for…

  5. Lisa Johnson says

    I would love to know the date and time you will be offering the green ring. I check daily but everything is usually sold out. I have the High Lonesome and Built to Bend rings. I am hoping one day to check your shop and find a Most Amazing Day ring in my size!!!!! You are in my thoughts and prayers!!!!

  6. Margaret Arnold says

    I prefer the random as well. The frenzy of scheduled updates gives me anxiety. Lol. But I understand you’re trying to meet the needs of as many people as possible. And I spied an older design I’ve had my heart set on for ages (a unicorn piece) so I will show up if possible, and hope to purchase one. Your work and the harmony you bring to it is inspiring, and beautiful. Thank you.