
I have a thousand wonderful things to tell you but I will begin with this:

I am riding my first ever 50 mile horse race in April! I began conditioning Resero for the race tonight, literally, as soon as I arrived home from Jackson I was on my horse within the hour. This is how I dip my roots back down into home. When I come back from a trip, I immediately work with one of my horses and then I ride out into the sagebrush, to the top of the mesa where I can view five different mountain ranges, watch the deer, hear the coyotes, look down on our pretty little farm, feel the wind, and press up against the sky.

Nothing else helps me feel at home again like this…Far Rider and Resero, together again.


  1. Home is glorious. The feeling of settling back in at home after being away soothes me. 🙂 Welcome home, J! <3

  2. Chris Moore says

    So glad you’re home. But how did your jewelry sales go? Wishing you the best.

    • My show in Jackson was incredible. The turn-out dazzled us. SO MANY PEOPLE came by! I largely sold out of my inventory. The support was amazing. I’m so glad I did it!