Well heck! I failed to share this last (maybe final) batch of Pollinator Necklaces before they flew to their new homes. What a joy this series has been for me. I have loved every single one of these creations and now that spring is here I’m thinking my next sterling bug might need to be a honey bee — I have a mind to honor our burgeoning apiary here at Sundries Farm. Stay tuned!

+Of The West+


  1. theonlyhurricanegirl says

    Love the farm name, and yes the honey bee for sure!!!

  2. Hannah G says

    Well I was upset when I read you were retiring the dragon fly but now even more excited for the honey bee.

  3. Chris Moore of Seattle says

    Your jewelry is wonderful, as always. But it is YOUR hands that fascinate me. They are workin’ hands! Love that! A LONG time ago when the Clintons authored books, I stood in a LONG line and got the books autographed. I shook their hands. Something I have never forgotten is Bill Clintons hands were SO soft. Squishy. As if there were no bones. Hillary’s? They were firm, not soft, not smooth. They were workin’ hands. Not to the degree yours is, but worki’n just the same.