Hawk Shadow

The moment when a hawk passes between me and the sun and casts a fast shadow down upon the sagebrush sea. It happens to me all the time when I’m out riding my horses and it always makes my breath catch in my throat.

Sterling silver and brass in the same folk style as my recent “Jackrabbit and Dune” earring design. I love these. Find them in my shop next week.

+Of The West+


  1. Brittny Turner says

    OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!! I hope there are a few of these 🙂

    • TRYING to get a few pairs made! If they don’t show up in the shop next week it’s because I’m still working on the batch. Thank you for this response, dear one!

      • Brittny Turner says

        I will keep my eyes peeled! I need to visit SE Idaho again for many reasons, the raptors being at the top of the list! I hear them in the trees here in SW B.C. but rarely see them, so Idaho was such a treat!!!

  2. Nathalie says

    OOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh these are soooooooooooooooooo pretty!!!!!!!

  3. Sun’s out, guns out. And not referring to the earrings. [~wink.]


  4. these are absolutely wonderful.
    and i feel like that distinct, dark shadow is maybe a metaphor for something – solid and defined, but also fleeting . . .
    anyway – i would absolutely love to wear a pair . . . maybe i will get to.

  5. Laura Hunter says

    I love the hawk shadow earrings. how full of movement . I read your chicken post , so brave and correct that food should not be too easy . I am still not strong enough to process livestock like that so I am content to eat lentil food dishes . Same here I have a thyroid thing , I have to eat clean to feel good. love your writings. I just sent your link to my son . cheers