I wasn’t doing so well and I sent out a distress signal to Robbie. He put himself on hold and as soon as he arrived home I hit the road. I needed to get out of this place. Along the way I saw some of my favorite ladies and their friendship ministered to my soul, filled my wells up, restored me. I laughed so much, I cried a little, I learned how to bead on a loom, I camped on a mountain top, I drank from still waters, and most of the time I drove in complete silence, perfering to quietly think and watch the world slip by.

I’m home again and setting my house straight so I can fall into studio work like a house on fire. I love my farm, I love my life, but sometimes paradise has me in shackles and my dearest friends live so far away. It’s good to be home and ready to serve you once more. Enjoy these pictures from the road, neither here nor there, and not quite inbetween, either…just lovely things and beautiful people I saw along the way.


  1. Mustang Sally says

    Good for you. You got some much needed medicine. That third image—exhale!

    • I love the wide valleys of the West…don’t like to be closed in…but I also love the look of them being scrubbed by storms. That was a beautiful night to be driving.

  2. It’s like that with anything you love, sometimes you have to stand back a little and gain perspective, and see the whole picture. That can only be done at a distance. I have found this to be true in mothering, in daughtering, in wifing, sistering, and friending, in working. I am still learning to sense when a perspective change might be in order. I needed your post today. It’s good for me see the loveliness of the life I live and the people I love, and to be filled up and ready to love more fully.

  3. Heidi Mireles says

    I am so happy to know you were able to recharge your heart and mind. Your busy life is so full and beautiful, and me as a far away friend truly admires it. But coming from a ranching family I also recognize the hard work required and its burdens. On top of everything you are married to a man that is in a risky business. Evening worry about him when the fires erupt. You both are always on my mind. Additionally, the Coronavirus and how it has limited us in so many ways. I missed my littles, so I would take a ride and drive just so I could see them and blow them kisses. I am happy you know when you need to take care of you, and that Robbie understands. Love from your Nevada friend.

  4. I just really love your honesty.

  5. How important it is to have a partner who supports the need for reprieve and allows us to breathe. We’re lucky ladies to have men who’ll say ‘Go do what you need to do, babe. I gotcha covered.’ I’m glad you could have a break. I’m planning one soon too. I love my life, but sometimes it chokes a little.

    • So glad this resonates with you and YES!!! I’m so thankful I could ask Robert for this and that he was able to take time off to meet my needs.

      I never want to seem like I’m complaining about my life…I love my life…but it is as you say, sometimes it chokes a little.


  6. Chris Moore says

    Love you Jilliaqn!!

  7. Catherine Chandler says

    Much love to you, dear friend.

  8. Nathalie Carles says

    I am glad you are better.

  9. A wild heart always needs to get away. The love for your home, life, animals, husband always shines through in all you share.

  10. I live in a suburb in a large metropolitan city, and hope, one day, to go back to a rural life, when my time caretaking is finished. Thank you for your honest living, writing, making and holding a candle up to be a light that is so needed during this diminishing time.