I come home from the soaring
in which I lost myself.
I was song, and the refrain which is God
is still roaring in my ears.

[Rilke’s Book of Hours — 1,50]


  1. I would love for you to do a book recommendations post. I’ve read a few you have shared. Going in 2021 my intention is to decrease the screen time and up my paper time. Cheers to a peaceful end blessed end of the year!

    • I’ll work on that for you, Katie! I love your intention for 2021. My greatest achievement in the month of October was to have an average phone usage of 14 minutes a day.😂 Amazing, huh? Well, I thought it was amazing but I really hate the phone. I cannot imagine spending 2 hours on it a day until the day I die. I’m in a screen rebellion over here.

      I’m currently reading:

      Rilke’s Book of Hours
      Soil and Sacrament — Fred Bahnson
      Art and Faith — Makoto Fujimura
      The Unsettling of America — Wendell Berry (I’ve been reading this really slowly for 1.5 years now)
      Paintings, Writings, Remembrances — Agnes Martin
      Modern Huntsman Vol6
      Always Coming Home — Ursula LeGuin (If you’re looking for some magic and fun I think her Earthsea series is amazing!)

      • I read The Coddling of the American Mind that your shared on the gram. And I tell everyone that will listen they need to read it! I will definitely be checking out these that you have listed.

        14 mins a day! Oh the envy! I am under two hours a day. Setting appointments with my clients is what keeps me attached. I am loving being free from the social apps though. In fact I feel lighter not having them on my phone at all!

        The last several years I’ve been planting a garden with my dad and your bounty gives me drive to experiment more with what I can do with my land. I am with you, the spiritual shift that happened dramatically over the last year has given me focus on what I can do to make the world more beautiful. Reconnecting with a simpler slower way of living, while savoring the goodness of each moment. Growing my own food is giving me life!

        Thank you for the reply and the recommendations. My next adventure will be to seek out a little independent bookstore to find these gems among the shelves.

        Cheers! ✌💛

  2. Very wonderful photos, so REAL…..and you’ve lured me into wanting to reading Rilke’s Book of Hours.

    Resero!! How is he riding??!

  3. The picture of you and Resero…he looks so proud. I truly love your words and photography, and am thankful you are still sharing a glimpse of your world on here.

  4. I seriously love Rilke, and have for so long!! I’ve been reading through some of his poetry again for the last week and love how his words evoke such beautiful imagery and capture emotions perfectly. Truly a master. 🙂 Much love, J!

  5. Happy New Year! Keep shining. I’d love to hear more about your faith, which is evident in your work and words.