Well heck. I’ve been trying to write a post for five weeks now and just can’t seem to get around to it. I’m just tossing something up this afternoon to get myself back in the habit. It’s going to be lackluster. My apologies! I’ll do better tomorrow.

Here’s a look at some studio work from last week. I can’t believe I managed to get anything finished in that hallowed work space of mine. I had one of those weeks where I simply couldn’t catch a break! I’m sure you know what I mean. I’m not caught up on everything that needs doing around the farm but I’m not spinning my wheels, that’s for sure! I’m managing to get a lot done every single day but the reality is that my to-do list really requires two people and I am only one! What’s a girl to do except keep working hard and trying her heart out?

I have another run of these Saddle Blanket Earrings and Buffalo Robe Earrings almost finished. I’ll refresh the listing in my shop as soon as they’re ready to go. If you missed out on an Alpha Necklace, don’t fret! I hope to make another pack of wolves but I need a break from the design. Hang tight.


  1. You are an honest, hardworking inspiration. Thank you!

  2. Love those earrings – and what a GREAT IDEA for a lil pool – I’m doing that, thanks! Great tan BTW 🙂