
RW took me away for my birthday and Valentine’s Day (since one comes before the other…), quite by surprise!  
We skied into the cabin that rests at the source of Warm River, in the shadow of the Tetons.
It was wonderful.  Here, see for yourself:
 [hullo moose]
 [trick candles that were impossible to blow out…]
 [pancakes for breakfast on our wood stove]
 [the view from the front door of our cabin]
 [to the right, the actual spring source of Warm River — that water flows straight out of mountain stone]

 [breaking trail with the puppies in tow]
 [that melodious clatter of splitting wood…]
 [busy hanging the stars…]
 [my sled dog hauled 50lbs on his sled, into this cabin, I cannot convey how incredible this dog of mine is…there’s nothing he can’t do]
 [heel nipper]
[the Idaho side of the Tetons, on the road home]

Thanks to everyone who sent me a birthday note or zipped me a letter, card or package in the mail.  It was wonderful to return home to your love.

Happy birthday to me!
Happy Valentine’s Day to you all!!!

Post Scriptus: 
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