Yesterday was RW’s birthday!
Sometime last week I asked him how he’d like to spend his special day — though I don’t know why I ever ask because the answer never changes.  We spent the day over in the Little City of Rocks area of Idaho hunting chukar, nibbling on a picnic and exploring the sage laced hills and coulees there.  Hunting was a four hour hike up and across the rim rock and volcanic hoodoos of Little City of Rocks (not to be confused with City of Rocks by the folks who like to climb Idaho) at the end of which we were terribly sun beamed and wind blasted — I felt exhausted.  Farley had run at least seven more miles than we hiked and he was exhausted too.  We coasted back down onto the Snake River Plain, grabbed some delicious Italian for dinner with a friend in Twin Falls (lasagna is one of RW’s other birthday requirements — he’s like Garfield) and eventually we arrived home in Pocatello where we covered the tomatoes with blankets out in the gardens, belly flopped into hot baths and tossed ourselves into our warm bed.
It was such a splendid day.
You know, when you’re out strolling across the shifting hands of the seasons there’s an extraordinary amount of texture applied to all the senses.  Those patches of lichens that are so busily lipping at the surfaces of stones seem
twice as thick and vibrant as they did in the summer months.
The small body of water in the sea of sage glimmers like holy
sapphire!  The mountains in the distance, capped white and groaning with imperceptible
shakes and quakes, grind away at the sky and the blue holds the faint pulse of indigo crushed fine in the smooth bowl of the mortar.


I perish.  I die in the wonder of creation, time and time again.
I move through it like I belong in it, like a wild horse owns the rock that trims its hooves, like rivers to the seas, like the clouds so designed and destroyed by the lift of the mountains 
and the grace of the plains.  I move.  I belong.
This small body lives to leap up and over stones, scramble through thorny thickets with my heart beat glowing bright in my throat and there on the soft sides of my wrists.  Then sifting, sifting like the river water sifts the silt, claiming clarity and purity as it flows.  I am lost, divided, made whole again, raked into neat stacks by the tines of the wind and then spread out once more and drifting.

But I digress.
This was all to say, happy birthday Robert.
I loved being out on the land with you yesterday.
The wind burned my cheeks red and coaxed some tired coal in my soul into flame once more.
I hope you had a wonderful day too. 
Let’s do it again sometime.

I nearly forgot!
Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow
Canadians!  I hope your lives have been
full of family, friends and blessings this weekend
and always.


RW took me away for my birthday and Valentine’s Day (since one comes before the other…), quite by surprise!  
We skied into the cabin that rests at the source of Warm River, in the shadow of the Tetons.
It was wonderful.  Here, see for yourself:
 [hullo moose]
 [trick candles that were impossible to blow out…]
 [pancakes for breakfast on our wood stove]
 [the view from the front door of our cabin]
 [to the right, the actual spring source of Warm River — that water flows straight out of mountain stone]

 [breaking trail with the puppies in tow]
 [that melodious clatter of splitting wood…]
 [busy hanging the stars…]
 [my sled dog hauled 50lbs on his sled, into this cabin, I cannot convey how incredible this dog of mine is…there’s nothing he can’t do]
 [heel nipper]
[the Idaho side of the Tetons, on the road home]

Thanks to everyone who sent me a birthday note or zipped me a letter, card or package in the mail.  It was wonderful to return home to your love.

Happy birthday to me!
Happy Valentine’s Day to you all!!!

Post Scriptus: 
Want to see these images larger?  Just click on them.


Good day to you all!
It’s my Birthday Boxing Day today (lucky me, it also happens to be Valentine’s Day)!
We’re laying about the house in the early morning light
sipping on Earl Grey, listening to quiet music and simply taking time for ourselves.
Robert planned a really wonderful birthday for me.
We woke up, took the dogs walking to the dog park across town, popped over to our favorite breakfast diner for eggs benedict (my favorite) with some friends, and then proceeded to the local ski hill where I spent the first day of my life learning to downhill ski on black diamond runs (that’s the easiest option on the mountain). It was shockingly fun and actually quite easy and purely hilarious to watch the boys tumble about in the powder. Between my zooms through the snow were some incredibly beautiful rides on the chair lift through stunning snow laced timber and the view of our valley was breathtaking. I had such an overwhelmingly wonderful time. I’m so glad RW dreamed up the date in the first place and was even happier to spend the day with two other wonderful friends (who are EMT firefighters, thank God).

Additionally, we loaded Talulah (the ’73 VW bus) up with our warm bodies and ski gear and she was a complete riot to drive down the highway on the way to our snow adventure. What would a birthday be without Talulah. Huh?
After burning a great sum of calories while toying with the elements, we returned home and whipped up some pizza, which was delicious. RW baked a pineapple upside down cake (I know, I’m so lucky to have a domestic god as my spouse) (plus, he’s tremendously cute in an apron and rubber gloves).
It was scrumptious.
It held 28 small flames.
I made a big wish
and extinguished all the
candles in just one puff.

We sat around the kitchen feeling lazy and happy until someone had the brilliant idea of getting into bed and watching the Olympics. So we did.
We cheered for the Americans.
We cheered for the Canadians.
We screamed with fear when athletes crashed on their skis
and sleds. We gnashed our teeth when the judges gave poor scores.
I thought the bed would collapse.
Penelope slept in the crook of my arm.
I felt full and warm.

And it was quite cozy.

28 arrived yesterday.
I looked it in the face.
I liked what I saw there.
I’ve never known myself better.
I’ve never been happier.
I’ve never counted myself more blessed.
Thanks for being there in spirit, to help me ring in the new year.
Now buckle up, it could be a wild one.

I Want Candy

I’m sure you do too.

This is a quick glance at just a few of the stones I have purchased this week
whilst down in the sun and sand of Arizona.

I’m exhausted and ready to come home. I’d actually liken a trip to Tucson, Arizona in February to spending seven months at Ikea. You leave the city exhausted, overstimulated, and starving. I have bulging bags and a color hangover.

I reacquainted myself with some of my favorite lapidary artists and met a few new newbie stone cutters. I also must mention that I met and supported TWO lapidary artists who are located in Idaho — one of whom happens to live JUST down the street! Fancy that! I’m especially smitten with their work (they own the claims their jaspers and agates originate from, prospect the rough and cut the stones themselves) and I pillaged their show booths gladly.

I was on a quest for some serious candy…this is a pinch of what I found:

What do you think?
Let me know what turns your crank in this batch.
We’re headed North again on Monday morning. I can’t wait to go home. I’ve been away so much in the past two months! The thought of finally returning to Plume Gables feels a bit foreign. I’m really ready to sit in my living room, fill up my fridge with fruit and veggies, consume some elk steak and crank the studio up on ultrahigh.
I’ll meet you there.
We’ll fall into the rhythm again, you and I.
I’ll swing hammers until my palms blister.
And we’ll watch the snow fall with big eyes.
Idaho never looked so good on a map.
Big wheels, take me home.
PS Go HERE and wish my best girl a happy birthday and let her know that she’s beautiful and wonderful and creative and imaginative and more alive than you could ever convey with the English language (and the French language….). Tell her that when she sings (for her voice is very beautiful indeed) it sounds like the sky is opening up and raining doves.
Tell her:
If you could, you’d round up a band of wild ponies and let her choose the most beautiful mare of the bunch — the pony with the best splotches, the longest forelock, and sterling hooves that spark as they meet the ground at a gallop. Tell her that there’s no one like her in the world and that if her soul gets any bigger, she’s going to have to relocate to a bigger solar system because it’s going to throw Earth’s gravity out of whack.
Remind her that she and I own February.
Remind her that her heart is out of the
ordinary, remind her it’s made of amethyst
and is bezeled in place with pure gold.

Let her know all of that.
And tell her I sent you.

Birthday Bumps (I don’t think you’ll know what these are unless you’re Canadian)




Happy birthday to the best man I know!
Yesterday RW received the best birthday present he could ask for: His last day of work for the year!
Whew. We made it through another summer.
We celebrated the end of the 2009 fire season as well as his birthday with a posse of 19 other men and a handful of my lady friends out at a local Mexican restaurant. It was a very entertaining evening, of course — good company, good food and lots of margaritas.
To further celebrate his 30th year we are headed for Wyoming tomorrow in our truck with the dogs to hunt antelope. RW is in heaven, I tell you. I can’t wait to unplug from my computer and hang out in a freezing cold tent (this statement is sarcasm free) on the plains of Wyoming, hike around in the day and take photos of all sorts of strange bits of nature. Hot tea in the morning and at night, cooking over a little stove, stargazing…it’s going to be a wonderful weekend away with my favorite person on all of the planet.
We’ll see you all next week!
Happy weekending!
Mister and Mister Plume