Last night I sat in the banana rocking chair on the edge of a hill in a fragrant Douglas fir stand with a good book and a glass of wine while I watched the sun fall West — it was pure golden heaven.
The air was crisp.
At 8000 feet, the leaves are spinning their autumnal 
tones and I feel perpetually romantic deep down in my soul.

After a merry dinner on the edge of a small blaze  
we slept with the side door open on Talulah and sometime in the middle of the night,
I woke up to the sound of some species of beastie sniffing and snuffing about the entrance of our rig.  I wasn’t afraid because the sniffing and snuffing sounded somewhat delicate and I thought to myself, “It could be nice to have a small silver fox under the blankets with me!
Later I woke again when a soft rain began to fall all around.
Then, before I knew it, morning had broken
and a new day dawned.
Just another perfect sleepover in Talulah.
We wish you could have come for coffee —
hope your weekend was nifty!

Part Three: Wherein The Lowlander Goes To The High Country

When I put my shoes on the morning we took this walk, I was rather upset to find that they were smaller than when I wore them last.  While driving, I stored them beneath the bench seat that folds out into a bed in the bus.  Apparently it gets hot under there.  Because of the heat shrinkage, I had to keep my tough little loafers wet on this walk, because they fit better that way.
The smoooshing of a wet shoe can be quite musical.
Let it be known, M is from 200 feet above sea level in the hottest part of the Mojave Desert of Arizona.  When I was planning our trip, I wanted to take her someplace beautiful, pristine, unspoiled and perhaps a tad snowy.  This said, marching her up to Alice Lake at 8596 feet above sea level may have been an abuse of my trip planning powers.

However, I was pleasantly surprised when she managed the six mile hike up to Alice Lake like a trooper.  And, as we all know, what goes up must come down, especially if it wants its dinner.  Right?  Of course right.  I didn’t have to leave her up top with the mosquitoes, bears and mountain lions — she  trotted right back down the mountain into a bottle of beer and a barbecued pork chop (the pork chop was donated to us by our campground neighbors who were really and truly, very hilarious).

In point of fact, we acquired our pork chops when one of said campground neighbors leaned out of his camper and bellowed, 
“Hey!  Want a pork chop?”
And so began a night of hilarity, half cooked s’mores created by the blondest little daughters I’ve ever seen, a cocktail, a bonfire, too much caesar salad and a Facebooking slum lord.  Yes.  That all really happened in one evening.  Oh.  And there were tricks on moving bicycles too.

Aw.  How cute.
I’m passionate about the Sawtooth Range.  
The front, rising up out of Stanley, is spectacular and perhaps one of my very favorite range views of all time.  Once you’re up in them, the granite spires rise like cathedrals, nearly vertical in many areas, to cut away at blue sky.  
It’s a magnificent, awe inspiring, humbling and purifying place to be, like so many places in Idaho are.
So did M.
I even made M bushwhack on a few creek crossings.
Favorite quote of the day, while crossing a furious stream:

Oh my gosh.  Oh my gosh!  It’s so cold! 
It’s like I have a toothache in my knees!  
How can you stand it???

Quite easily, in fact.  
I am all things Arctic.
Of course, we chatted while we walked, opined, 
photographed and even applied some salve to a few wounds.

Hey M,
thanks for coming out.
This morning, your absence has fallen on my home like a cloak of silence.
I just washed your breakfast dishes from yesterday
and it’s almost like you were never here.
Come back soon.

Part One

 RW and I don’t really believe in luxurious holidays, with the exception of our 6 year late honeymoon we took in Hawaii, which was actually a marriage present from my parents.  It was nice!  When we return, we’ll rent a jeep and take it places no jeep should go in order to camp on quiet stretches of beach beside a roaring surf.  

We like to camp, fish, hike, build campfires, cook over our pocket rocket stove or over an open fire, filter water, blister our feet, hike too far, fish too late, spook a pair of mule deer, marvel at the size of wolf tracks, sweat, summit, swim and suffer (just a bit).

When we realized that time was running out for a pre-fire-season holiday the obvious choice for accommodation was Talulah.  We put Farley and Penelope in the slammer, loaded our sleeping bags, food and Plumbelina in the bus and took to the road.  We drove her nearly 700 miles on a series of loops though some of Idaho’s biggest country.

Here’s what day one looked like:

 We made a quick stop at Shoshone Falls on the mighty Snake River, just outside of Twin Falls.  Idaho water is running fierce and high with snow melt and springtime rains so the falls were robust and roaring, simply spectacular.  Shoshone Falls is called the Niagara of the West.  It’s not nearly as broad as Niagara Falls but it boasts a larger drop and it mists you just as well!

 We took a blue highway over to Buhl and stopped off at the local dairy for a bottle of milk and a pint of chocolate milk for RW.
 We zoomed (which is a relative term when referring to Talulah) down through Thousand Springs where the water simply pours out of the basalt cliffs in white streams and picked our way through the twists and turns of Hagarman, delighting in all the acreages with private trout fisheries (RW wants one of his own very badly, you know, he was a fish biologist before he became a firefighter).

Then we crossed the desert.

We passed a shepherd tending a flock of at least 800 sheep with only the help of a handful of dogs.  The Basque who still tend sheep in this state free range their stock on BLM land, if they have the right to.  My one regret in life, at this junction in time, is that I did not photograph that shepherd.  The Basque ship their sheep down to Arizona every winter to feed on alfalfa stubble and to lamb in in a warmer climate.  I used to spend hours watching them in the valley we lived in when we still resided in Arizona.  There is nothing like a pasture speckled with the gentle silliness of sheep, the bleating and tail wagging of wee lambs, the oceans of starling sweeping through blue sky and the careful watch of a Peruvian shepherd over his flock.  Seeing this shepherd moving his flock over spring grasses really moved my heart and mind into the past lives RW and I have lived.  It was pretty magical.

We popped by Little City of Rocks to run Plum.
This is a prime example of why I love this state so well.  It’s empty.  It’s beautiful.  It’s wild.

When I find myself traveling to large city centers, I nearly always meet a handful of urbanites who are dismayed when they discover I live in Idaho.  They drop their jaws and ask me, quite simply, perhaps even snottily, “Why would you ever live in Idaho?”

Here’s my answer:
Because it suits me.
Because I can find myself in a wild, lonesome space without any effort at all.  For goodness sakes!  Directly across the street from my home are miles and miles, acres and acres of Forest Service and BLM lands!  I don’t have to fight the masses to be in a soul expanding patch of wilderness.  I can run for miles without seeing anyone else.  The water is still clean. The mountains are free of litter.  The cougars and bears don’t try to eat me because they aren’t yet habitualized, when they see me coming, they run away!  If I need to, I can be the only person on earth, and sometimes, I like to be the only person on earth…I like life to be simple, just me, creation and The Creator on the side of a mountain with immaculate winds combing their fingers through my hair.

To phrase it simply, Idaho appeals to my reclusive soul.
Her wilderness is a healing salve for my heart scrapes.
She takes me in.
She practices tough love.
Her grace is abundant.
I see God in her.  Everywhere.
I am brought to my knees.

I know RW feels the same way about this state, though he’s not half so windy about it.
He is enchanted with it.  I can tell.
His bones have become Douglas fir roots, drinking up all the land has to offer.  The mountain water here is a strong libation, there’s crystal music in every drop, and we align ourselves to the way this big country flows and get carried away.
Big country.
Big dreams.
Big hopes.
We rolled on.
Up and over a high pass.
Some previous owner of Talulah welded her heating ducts shut so at about 5000 feet, we could see our breath and we couldn’t feel our hands or feet.  Life was feeling positively Russian.

When ever I’m desperately cold, 
I imagine I’m a poor Russian in bad times 
burning any scrap of wood I can find to heat my shabby home — 
tundra twigs, 
the lid of a grand piano, 
the knobs off the dresser drawers…
you know…so cold, it feels Russian.  

We hit the snow line, we hoped we could make it over the pass.  Life was uncomfortable.  This fact might be our very favorite thing about camping.  It isn’t easy.  The effort makes us feel alive.  Sometimes it’s miserable, but those awful tales of hard times often make the best stories.

We passed a blue grouse putting on a spectacular mating display.
I’m not a female grouse, but if I was, I wouldn’t have said no!
His sweet vanity must have been driving his ladies batty.

Though I don’t think their view from atop the aspens was half so fine as mine.
We poured down the other side of the pass like so many mountain rivers, streams and creeks that were blown out with springtime run off.  Rushing, rushing, rushing.  The mountains are deranged with water right now.  The trout are hiding in the treetops.  There was fresh snow on the Douglas fir and lodge pole pines.  Winter still had an iron grip on the high country.
Finally, finally, we rolled into our campsite, in the Smokey Mountains of the Sawtooth Range.  There was a dampness in my bones and a lightness to my verve — RW too, I could tell, was basking in the space.  We were the first campers of the spring season, the mountains were only ours.  We sparked up our stove and warmed up the antelope chili we made the night before, brewed a pot of tea and watched the sky slowly clear into night.  A full moon rose up.  The stars did their spangling.  We hoped for wolf song, but they never came, or if they did, they had nothing to sing about.  When we crawled into the warmth of our sleeping bags, with Plum curled up in a small doughnut at our feet, snow began to fall quietly all around and rest came easy.

The Stars!

Last night, RW and I decided to hop in Talulah and go camping.  The campsite we chose to spend the night at is 15 minutes from our front door at the top of Scout Mountain — Pocatello’s highest peak at 9000+ feet.

It was a quick ride up and then off we went, into the woods, to see what we could see.
*Tips on how to put the moon in your Volkswagen Bus.*
Shutter speed: 1.3
Aperture setting: 1.8
ISO: 1600
Focus on your VW Bus, depress the shutter on your camera and then swing your camera up to the moon before the shutter closes.  Voila.  In your image, the moon will appear in your beloved bus.  How romantic!
The celestials were so bright, I was almost able to pluck the stars from the heavens and hold them in my hands.

More on this little trip tomorrow.
Was your weekend swell?  