Handsome but good for nuthin?

Methinks not!

Last night, while in the midst of a dinner party at Plume Gables, I opened up the door to the laundry room to see Mister Pinkerton crouched over a dead mouse on a rug. Of course, I screamed. He picked the rodent up in his mouth and leaped out the doggy door into the night.
This was perfect timing for him to prove his hunting prowess to RW since the man tends to go on about how worthless Pinky is when it comes to seeking and destroying rodent populations around our property. I always knew the great white beast was hunting in the night and lazing about in the day. While he is getting rather corpulent these days I like to think it’s because he’s eating eleventeen meecies every single night, in the bewitching hours, when we can’t see him.
This is all to say, if you have an outdoor cat that sometimes lives in YOUR laundry room during the day, have a little faith in the fellow when it comes to the rodenticide. Just because he’s not bringing his dinner in for you to see, every single night, it doesn’t mean he’s not slicing and dicing with his killer claws under the grapevines or over in the raspberry patch.
Happy Saturday to all!
We’re getting a Christmas tree today and you know what THAT means!!!!
That’s right. I’m gearing up for the second annual Christmas Tree Photo Contest right here at The Life and Times! Get your cameras out and start taking a few photos of your Tannenbaum!
To entice the few of you who are photographically lazy, I’ll let you know
in advance that the individual with the winning photo
will get a superfluously lovely care package from
Mister Plume and I! You can never tell who might win! It depends entirely
on how the vote goes…which could be in any old direction!
Fa la la la la,