Glass Half Full

My spirit felt like this today…for a little while:
Today, everything keeps getting in the way of everything.  Some days are like this.  I take one step forward and then ten steps back.  I can’t gain ground.  The duties of the day form a wide cascade and I’m sinking down deep in the froth of details, errands, rearrangements!

Additionally, I’m dog sitting a couple of dogs at the moment which is rather disruptive in the way that all animals in my household as well as the dogs of friends must be segregated for mealtimes so that Penelope doesn’t eat her self to death (she is a hound, after all).  I was unsuccessful in this yesterday.  Penelope (very sneakily) ate roughly 12 times what she is usually given for a meal portion and as a result, she became sick.  By sick, I mean I woke up to a total of 10 accidents all over the house this morning.  A heartbreaking start to the day.  Even more heartbreaking?  One dog moved my entire front porch off the front porch.  Shells and ocean detritus I so carefully collected in the Pacific Northwest a few weeks ago were reduced to pieces, shards, minute bits of memories of the sea shore.  Dirty papasan cushions crushing the columbine patches.  Broken flower vases.
Oh well.  Stuff is stuff.  As always, I’ve forced myself to see the glass as half full — it’s good to get into the practice of always seeing the bright side in everything.  Healthy for the mind and soul — debilitating for self pity and depression.

There’s always this fellow:
My sweet, ever loving, bird dog darling who does not suffer from the eating disorder of gluttony.  I love his smoochieboofa.

There’s the mail that always comes at the perfect time when I need encouragement,
words of wisdom,
news from afar
and general gladness of divine proportions.
From this image, you know who you are.  Thank you.
There’s the expanse of my studio space — my creative space,
the falling into rhythm with a hammer,
the singing to the music,
the light,
the mountains in the distance,
the smell of the blue spruce in the front yard
and working in my favorite cowboy boots.
And then there was lunch:

A side of freshly picked cherry tomatoes and a bagel sandwich, gluten free and exploding with soft poached eggs (one from Rhonda, one from Winona), dill and Havarti.  Thank the good heavens for cheese.

There’s also the Mister who will be home soon to help me shoulder these things.  There will be his broad chest to bury my face in and him, suggesting I draw a hot bath for myself in the evenings.  I’m getting better at caring for myself, but he is the very best and very most skilled when it comes to the task.

Happy Friday to you all!
I hope yours was smooth, productive and full of grand surprises.
If not, let’s hold this half full glass together and rejoice in all the good we can see.

Indian summer, mint leaves and ripe plums,
The Plume

PS  I finished this beautiful fellow late last night!