C’est la vie!

Great scott! Life has been busy this week!
I had an awesome day in the studio yesterday and was able to get a few pieces finished with a few more on deck for completion this afternoon.
But I have something kind of important to tell you. I was very sad yesterday — I have perhaps been sad for most of my life. But yesterday something very special happened.

This guy arrived. The postman put a mailer in my hands and when I opened it up, all I could see was magenta magenta magenta (my favorite color). When I opened the package further, I found a faux fox, knitted stole.

Granted. It is very weird. Which is why I like it so well. Additionally, it had me at hello.
Thanks Mona! Believe it or not, I really love it (so does RW). And now my faux fox stole has completed me and I will live a glad life for the rest of my days on Earth.

Well. That was ridiculously melodramatic but I know no other way of behaving or conveying myself (it comes so darn naturally). I’ll snap some photos when I’m next wrapped up in foxy, in the snow and howling wind. I’m sure you’ll appreciate the curiosity much more then! If you already appreciate the curiosity of this scarf, you can find it and many like it, HERE. Happy oggling!
And now, 7Up!

These guys will all be part of the Etsy shop update tomorrow. This group features a saddle ring, claddagh ring, a couple sets of earrings, a turquoise ring (bordering on larimar coloration), a necklace featuring a bezel set, hand pierced enamel disc fired right here in my kiln at Plume Gables (set in the confines of a shadowbox wall). Auspicious. Lastly I finished a large prudent man agate pendant. The stone comes from the Prudent Man Claim here in Idaho and is an amazing agate that resembles Idaho, high desert landscape in amazing hues of teal, pink, grey, brown and red. Additionally, there are highly translucent portions of agate in the cabochon so when it’s held up to the light the individual sage shaped plumes in the stone really pop. Just gorgeous.
Alright, I’m off to grocery shop, snaggle a latte and then settle into a few happy hours of making, out in my studio. We’ve got a gorgeous Idaho blue sky here today, barely a breeze and the white of frost on the trees and grass has already been consumed by the sun. I’ve got wings on my heels! A happy heart! I hope you’re well, I love you so.