Small Burn

We had a small fire tonight,
just RW and I.
The animals leaned into the warmth,
Mister Pinkerton draped himself across my knees like a rumbling snow panther,
and the sky was nightly glowing.
We whispered plans,
we sipped our drams
and the scent of sage was sweeping by like satin ribbons on slim anchors.
We hope your Sunday evening has been just as warm and crackly.
Mister and Missus Plume

Post Scriptus:

Cutest bebe ever, oui?
And so brave!
This is Eli.  The son of my sister,  
my nephew.  I love him.
And I already miss him…

Big Beast & Baby Beast

I already have this image up on Flickr and Facebook and many of you have already commented on it! I love it so much that I want it here on my blog as well.  Farley and Plumbelina’s expressions are utterly hilarious to me.  He looks so wise and mature in this shot and she looks so bewildered and about to go berserkers — I love the contrast!
Now back to the studio!  
I’m finishing up some earrings for you.

Four Things:

1.  Isn’t this positively beautiful?  
Can you guess what animal made this track?
 2.  Just when you thought it wasn’t possible, she became more adorable!
Behold, Penelope, queen of the snow!
 3.  I made some earrings.  I’ll be updating the shop around 8PM tonight (MST).  See you there!
4.  I hope all my American friends and family had a beautiful Thanksgiving Day!  A dear friend of ours hosted a straggler feast in town and we had a delightful time at a long table with a handful of friends and wonderful food.  RW and I took a gluten free chocolate chai cake for dessert and oh, for the sake of Pete, I would love to share the recipe with you but it belongs to a bakatista friend of mine and I don’t want to steal her thunder…but let me tell you, it was as though heaven fell into my mouth when I tasted it.  And when it was baking??? It smelled like sweet baby Jesus came down and let out a little toot in our house — yes.  It smelled like heaven.  I might perish if I don’t bake it once more this week.  PERISH.

I hope life is beautiful where you are.

Old Dog New Trick

Actually, Sequoia’s Fleet Farley is only five years old…but this is a new trick.
Bow wow!