The Constant Gardener

Tell me, how do your gardens grow?

Guess Where I Went

 Yee haw!
I spent eight hours answering emails, packaging and shipping jewelry and sorting some material orders today and when it was all said and done, I was feeling kinked.  I hopped on my trusty bicycle (not quite a dapple grey Percheron…but it will do) and pedaled over to the post office, then down to my favorite antique shop for some haggling and finagling and then finally, oh-sweet-mashed-potato-Idaho-heavens-above, (Whatttt???), I made it to the nursery.

I love this time of year!
I used all five senses while strolling around the greenhouses.  I ran my hands over plants, sniffed and nibbled on the herbs, took in the chroma-vibrancy laid out in all directions, I think I even heard the cellular hum of chloroplastic work.  It was magnificent.

I knew I’d get carried away with my plant purchases, as my eyes tend to be larger than my available garden space, which is why I rode my bicycle instead of taking one of the trucks.

I did walk away with one ceramic mushroom (long story), a pineapple mint and a chocolate mint.  Whew!  RW will be pleased by my self-control!

Our springtime is winding down here and I’m trying to squeeze every minute out of every day and every ounce of love out of my man before he takes off for the fire season.  Gosh.  I can’t believe it’s already here again.  At any rate, I’m going to treat this weekend like a weekend.  Tomorrow there is cattle branding over at the Gilbert Ranch, the installation of a new fume hood in my secondary studio space, a movie with the lady friends, some tasty meals (if I don’t burn them) and some quiet times with RW. 

I hope you bite off more than you can chew, this weekend,
and I mean that in a good way!


Post Scriptus:

I wore my swan, all day.
She’s so glad she’s mine.

Killing Frosts

It’s getting quite cold here.  The weather forecast calls for hard, killing frosts every night this week.  Today, we spent the better part of the day harvesting the rest of our gardens.  I have tomato vines loaded with fruit and hanging in the garage.  I have boxes and boxes of tomatoes in the kitchen and porch that will hopefully ripen in time.  I have a table full of pumpkins and other various types of squash.
It’s a bounty.
It’s a cornucopia.
It’s going to be a lot more work.
These are my two favorite pumpkins!  The one on the left is my largest and brightest.  I don’t know what it weighs but it’s quite handsome and awkward, all at once.  I’m going to let RW carve it into a jack-o-lantern!  He dearly loves pumpkin carving (it makes me itchy).  The wee one on the right is my favorite pumpkiny little darling.  He’s so tiny.  Just look at him.

I’ll be processing all the pumpkins into puree form so that RW can make pumpkin pies with it later in the winter.  He dearly loves pumpkin pie.  We might make pumpkin soup but I had some terrible experiences with pumpkin soup whilst living in New Zealand once upon a time and I’m not so keen on the stuff.  What else can I make from preserved pumpkin?  Oh.  Cheesecakes.  Any other ideas?

The garden is officially gone, pulled up, composted, and in some areas, the soil has already been turned. It’s official.  Autumn has arrived!
Because most of the day was dedicated to gardening I only had the later afternoon to spend in the studio and was so inspired by my squash harvest that I decided to create a new little enameling template for small white squashes.  They’re sweet, crisp and beautifully over fired.  I think I’m going to concoct necklaces with them.  More on that, I’m sure, tomorrow.

I hope Wednesday treated you well!

PS  I’m looking for a new pair of eyeglass(es) frames.  My options here in Pocatello are rather sparse.  Does anyone know of any online eyewear shops that carry bizarre frames?  I had a vision of green or turquoise frames with little wings on the sides — I know that some company SOMEWHERE must make them.  Right?  Of course right.


I love Saturdays:
A slow and lazy wake up, 
coffee in the French press, 
the irrigation ditch flowing in the yard and giving more green to the plums, the grapes and the roses, 
that purple smell of the concords bursting into ripeness in clusters along the fence line,
 the mountains across the street under a blanket of blue sky, 
Talulah at the curb looking so fine, 
the chickens loose and rooting about for bugs,
 riding to the farmer’s market on my cruiser (clunker) with Penelope in the pannier and buying my veggies for the week, 
a raspberry and spinach smoothie (don’t knock it until you’ve tried it),
RW outside putting the second coat of paint on my studio,
picking carrots from my garden,
 picking tomatoes and basil from the garden and preparing to can more pasta sauce,
editing photos from our trip in the Sawtooths and editing my prose to go with the images,
looking forward to a hot bath and good book tonight,
perhaps a crisp gin and tonic with extra lime in the heat of the afternoon,
and watching Saturday roll away under my fingertips like a handful of quarters.
I’m happy to squander it.

I realize I’ve been a slacker this week.
I actually have only spent one day in the studio since last Saturday but I will say this for myself (it’s something I realize more and more), since my work is creative work, I’m never NOT working.  I’m constantly taking in texture, movement, color, shape, and the natural world around me.  Once those details are in my system, I’m constantly processing how they make me feel, how I could recreate them, how I could use them to construct a piece of jewelry, what I have to say about them, how I’d like to capture them with a camera or with prose.  I never truly quit working, but my work is sometimes restful, regardless.
Necessarily, in this order:
There’s lunch.
Then there’s the Sawtooths.
And then I will give you the Golden Ticket Contest and the annual Plume Gables jam giveaway!
Put on your sunglasses, this week is going to be bright.