Tater Nation


Officially, officially.
This is Montana’s Honky Tonk Tater Tot.
Also officially, he is a little bit crazier than his sister Plumbelina was and some of us know how darn crazy darlin’ Plumbelina could be!  This just goes to prove, 
he’s not a Plum, he’s a Tater.  
Every moment I spend with him, I see flickers of Plum’s spirit and some of her expressions cross his face.  It makes me miss her even more but it makes me happy to have a tiny piece of her living on in this pup.

We’re very lucky he was available for us to claim.
We love him.
He’s healing our sad hearts.
He is tremendously welcome in our little family.
He’s going to be a hard working little bird dog
and my best friend.

We call him: 
Tater, Tater Nation, Taternator, Little Man Tate and 
Smallmungous Smoochie Love Beetle.

He says:  
How do you do?

She’s so photogenic lately.

Happy weekending, 
you sweet batch of beets.


The most spectacular thing I’ve seen all week?

Just now, whilst running my ten mile loop on the mountain,
I saw a red tailed hawk flying with an impossibly 
large snake in its talons.
It was beautiful, dreadful and wild.
I’m convinced it was a once in a lifetime sighting.

How about you?


Now, I am that girl.

The pointers, the weenie and I are just back from a morning cavort.  I took this picture before Farley ran off, all the way down the river and beyond.  Eventually, he came back to me with a deceased marmot in his mouth.  

Good boy?  
But baby man-dog, we can’t eat this for dinner…
In the future, can you just stick to birds?

He’s guilty of mammalian homicide.  
It’s so hard to keep these dogs exercised.  They go out of their minds with hunting drive and 
like you’ve never seen in a dog before.  When people see me running with them, they stop moving and let me pass.  We deconstruct the pillars of the earth and then raise them up again, before we tear them down once more.  I have to behave bigger than I am to keep all these dogs in line.
I’m alpha around these parts. 

I’m feeling so light and fluffy today.

On Sunday, while at church, I realized I’m the girl I always dreamed of being.  I sat down and my hair got caught between my back and the pew in an uncomfortable yonking fashion.  I had to reach behind my neck with both hands and flip it in a blond cascade over the back of my seat.  I always envied the girls who had hair long enough to drape over a church pew.

Now, I am that girl.

It’s so beautiful here!
I always say that.
But summer is strumming my heart strings
and there’s a thrum I leave behind on everything I touch.
My life print is glowing in a wash of amber and teal.
There’s a bit of unfurling clematis in everything I see.
I think I’m just a wild vine
shooting for cloud studded blue.

Someone, come braid my soul before
it tangles itself into knots in this breeze.

I fly that free.


Plum & Orange

Post Scriptus:

Cutest bebe ever, oui?
And so brave!
This is Eli.  The son of my sister,  
my nephew.  I love him.
And I already miss him…