My most sincere apologies
for the non-update I performed today!
The listing dilemma did NOT stem from computer issues or other technological mishaps but from the large leak/break in my main water line beneath my lush green lawn in the front yard.
Old Faithful has relocated, apparently.
RW is in Alaska on a fire so it’s been up to me to bandage the pipe wound (or at least find someone who can rip the old one out and install a new one–hardly as simple as it sounds…the ripping out part that is…) and I spent nearly the entire day phoning around, gathering quotes and bids for the fix-it job. Then the lovely M arrived at my house so sister Toby Beth and I whipped up a couple of pizzas for dinner and now I’m just getting to work, in my lonesome old bed.
I really don’t know what to say.
Despite the good company, I feel defeated today.
Like Raggedy Jilly.
I do.
A few ladies asked about Pinkerton the other day so I thought you’d enjoy this sequence of snapshots I took this afternoon between consultations with the very best excavation experts Pocatello has to offer:
…I wonder if he could squeeze his entire body in there?