My Verve Spilleth Over

It’s true.
My verve spilleth over.
My pensiveness hath evaporatethed. Somewhat.
My pesky displaced ribs are feeling miraculously better after a trip to the chiropractor and hours upon hours of tempering wretched muscles with ice packs yesterday and today. I say, one never realizes how important breathing is until every breath pokes a wonky rib into a lung.

I’ve been enameling and constructing for most of the day.
I plan to work late.
The view from the studio is grand, it’s snowing on the West Bench. Low clouds are threatening to drop down into the valley
and water the herb garden I planted yesterday.

It’s eerily calm. The gale force winds have suddenly ceased. Perhaps I’ve slipped into the eye of the storm.
Do you ever imagine your house and the land that surrounds it by a mile square is actually up in the air rotating like a vinyl record? I’m performing this very imagination as I type this. For a second, it gave some sort of pseudo logical reason for the calmness outside.

This is a necklace I finished today. It’s an extension of the Rumors of the Sea Series and features an orange peel fired and repoussed copper disc, prong set, as well as a little pearl. There are plenty of details to share about this necklace and I promise to do so in the Etsy listing, when the time comes! I find it rather captivating. Plus, that Scandinavian blue is one of my favorite colors. What a shock! I know. Most people love green best of all. I’m rabid for pretty paraphernalia in hues of cerulean.

And oh dear goodness gosh.
Let’s talk about this little necklace.
It’s the first in a seed series!
I’ve taken a sterling, repoussed disc and fired it with translucent enamel — it’s supposed to be a seed. The necklace is stylistically a drop choker so hanging down from the seed is a repoussed, anticlastically raised and enameled sterling leaf.

So pretty. So lifelike, in some manners.
So organic.

Both enameled components look practically edible. J’adore this piece. How could I not? The colors are bombastic. I’ve three more necklaces in similar design on deck for completion this week and I’m going to be thrilled to show you the other finished products. It’s rather obvious that I’ve been taking more cues than usual from nature these past few weeks. The things I find beautiful and inspiring have been blowing huge and fragrant puffs of springtime wind into everything I touch, write, sketch and construct.

The possibilities are so endless that I’m often overwhelmed by the creative options in my mind.
I’m sure that many of you can relate.

In other news, I’m on the hunt for a Little Red Riding Hood cape.
Send me thine linketh if you knoweth of one!
I am hoping you all had a most glorious Tuesday!
I’ll bet you’re growing tulips between your toes.
Rah rah springtime!
We love you so!