On A Beautiful Monday

[sterling & chrysoprase]

Howdy, one and all!  I hope you had a beautiful Easter weekend.  Rob and I attended the sunrise service at our church where we sang most of my favorite old, soul stirring hymns and uttered to each other and our neighbors:

Christ is risen!

He is risen indeed!  Alleluia!  Amen.

After church we hosted a really lovely brunch for our friends.  We moved the dining room table out onto the front lawn and stayed out there for the better part of the day while we ate, sipped coffee and mimosas and were generally merry.  The weather here over the weekend was utterly stupendous.  In point of fact, I still haven’t brought the dining room table inside.  It’s located on the front porch now and I’ve been eating every meal out there in the breezy sunlight of spring, watching the snow melt off the mountains and the lilacs bud into their frenzy of eventually voluminous violet and frothy magenta (how I dearly love a lilac).  Last night, we went running with a pack of our friends up and around the mountain and all I could really bring myself to say, over and over again, was how lucky  I felt to live where we live and call my mountain my own.  Sometimes, when all falsities fall away and the scales drop from my eyes, I can see how full and brilliant my life is and my heart feels like it may burst with gratitude.  I’m so terribly in love with living and all the good and bad that comes with the effort of rising from bed every morning and going about my day.  This is actually my goal for every day of my life, to rise up in the morning with a full heart that recognizes every blessing in my life and then to fall back into bed at night with only gratitude on my lips.  It doesn’t sound so tricky when I write it here but the perceived hardships of life can become a cumbersome clutter in the alleyways of the soul.  I reckon it really comes down to choosing fullness of heart and joy and thankfulness — all day, every day.  Don’t you think?

I choose.  Oh I do.  I do.


In other news, a dearly becoming dearer friend of mine sent me a stunt kite.  How did she know?!!  A kite is one of the best ways to tame and tether the wind.  I had a stunt kite when we lived in Arizona and I felt so ALIVE when I flew it.  I can hardly wait for the next windy day.


Do you have best friends who live hundreds or thousands of miles away from you?  Do you miss them?  What do you do to show them you love them and remember them many times, every day?


I’m off to run the mountain (oh, it calls me like a siren).  Afterwards, I’m going to make a pair of huge, glorious salads for RW and I to dine upon.  These past few nights we’ve been making our way through Star Wars and I like to sit and tuck my toes under Rob’s knees and laugh at everything Han Solo says.  Then I think about how I won’t have to say goodbye to RW this coming fire season and then I think my heart may explode out of my chest because everything feels so fine, so fine.  I’m his Princess Leia.  He’s my Millennium Falcon flying scoundrel.

Be well, you brilliants.
