Patron Saint of the High Country

I plan to FINALLY offer my wapiti ring in sizes 6,7,8,9,10 in the near future. I will offer this ring for at least a full year in my online shop. I’m fine tuning the design right now and look forward to the official launch.

May the mountain rise up to meet you!

+Of The West+

Run Horse Run

I played a little in the studio yesterday, in-between other projects I’m working on, and out popped this necklace. I haven’t made a hollow form in a long while and I like how this one turned out. One running horse, a suggestion of rugged country, a trio of crosses, and a burly, opera length chain. I’ll list this piece in my shop next week along with a few other one of a kind pieces!

I wasn’t doing so well and I sent out a distress signal to Robbie. He put himself on hold and as soon as he arrived home I hit the road. I needed to get out of this place. Along the way I saw some of my favorite ladies and their friendship ministered to my soul, filled my wells up, restored me. I laughed so much, I cried a little, I learned how to bead on a loom, I camped on a mountain top, I drank from still waters, and most of the time I drove in complete silence, perfering to quietly think and watch the world slip by.

I’m home again and setting my house straight so I can fall into studio work like a house on fire. I love my farm, I love my life, but sometimes paradise has me in shackles and my dearest friends live so far away. It’s good to be home and ready to serve you once more. Enjoy these pictures from the road, neither here nor there, and not quite inbetween, either…just lovely things and beautiful people I saw along the way.

Modern Huntsman Volume Five

Modern Huntsman Volume Five has arrived and it’s beautiful! The theme for this volume is TRADITION! In my piece titled “Young Guns” I share some of my thoughts on the topic. You can claim a hardcopy of this book (which you will not regret) but if money is running on the tight side these days, please pop over to the Modern Huntsman website where

“Young Guns”

was published today. Thank you to everyone here who has supported Modern Huntsman over the past couple of years. This book is about creating conversation on the topics of hunting and conservation but you don’t need to be a conservationist or hunter to enjoy the stories being told within these pages. If you love to be outside, if you value public land, if you appreciate wildlife and wide open spaces, this book is for you.