Spring Sheep

Sheep season came and went in April and May here, though it will be back again in the fall when the shepherds are moving flocks down into the desert for winter grazing. I try to document the shepherds, their dogs and the sheep every year when they pass through — I think it’s such a beautiful way of life but I also genuinely care for my local ranching community and the surrounding ranching communities and to document their work and lifestyle is an ongoing personal project for me. I thought I had been photographing shepherds for nine years but Robert reminded me that I have actually been photographing shepherds for closer to thirteen or fourteen years! When we lived in Arizona there were Basque ranching outfits that hauled ewes down to lamb and graze on the alfalfa crops that surrounded the USFW satellite station we lived on, on the Colorado River Indian Tribes Reservation in the lower desert of Arizona along the Colorado River. I don’t think I’ll ever grow tired of photographing this subject, it’s so pastoral and peaceful and Idahoan.


Chrysoprase will always be one of my very favorite stones to work with. I find it extremely uplifting. I’m in my last week of studio work here before my show in Seattle on May 11th — I had a two week long set back due to a health issue that I am still trying to resolve here but I’ve managed to make some beautiful things regardless. It’s fun to look over at my pile of inventory and see so many lovely things waiting to find someone to belong to. I feel a little like Smaug, just a grumpy dragon sleeping on my treasure hoard.

The nearly-full moon in the almond blossoms a couple nights ago. It’s a beautiful time of year at the farm!


High Lonesome

I’ve loved making this little singing coyote design so much! Thank you to everyone who has claimed or gifted one of these rings over the past year — I’m beholden to you for making this such a successful design. I am planning on retiring this little yipper so I can move onto a new ring design in the studio so if you’ve been waiting to pick one up for yourself or a loved one, wait no more. Once they are gone, they’re gone! This seems as good a time as any to let you know I am doing a pop up show in Seattle on May 11t at the Filson flagship store. I’ve been working hard at building inventory for that show and am currently holding all my new work in preparation for it. If you live in the area I do hope you will swing by to see me! It’s going to be a lot of fun.

The Official South Dakota Reading List

A week ago on Instagram I sent out a request for book titles having to do with South Dakota. Many people responded with some great book suggestions so I thought I would put together an official reading list for you. There were a few random titles that came in that were set in Manitoba and Saskatchewan as well as Nebraska and the West in general and while I have added those titles to my personal reading list, I have tried to keep the forthcoming list of book titles focused on the topic of South Dakota. Thank you to everyone who heeded my call! If you have another title to add to this list please offer it up in the comment section on this post. Enjoy!

Women’s Diaries of the Westward Journey — Lillian Schlissel

Little House on the Prairie — Laura Ingalls Wilder

The Dull Knives of Pine Ridge: A Lakota Odyssey — Joe Starita

Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee — Dee Brown

It Happened in South Dakota — Patrick Straub

Sister to the Sioux — Elaine Goodale Eastman

Bufalo for the Broken Heart — Dan O’Brien

Birds of the Dakotas

Dakota: The Story of the Northern Plains — Norman K. Risjord

Black Elk Speaks — John G. Neihardt

Buffalo Bird Woman’s Garden — Gilbert L. Wilson

Imagining Head Smashed In — Jack W. Brink


Dakota: A Spiritual Geography — Kathleen Norris

Mapping the Missouri River between SD and ND — Joseph Nicollet

Prairie Fires — Caroline Fraser

The West — a documentary by Ken Burns

Days on the Road: Crossing the Plains in 1865 — Sarah Raymond Herndon

Great Plains — Ian Frazier

The Rider (film)

Lakota Woman — Mary Crow Dog

Also note these online book shop resources:

Prairie Edge

Badlands Natural History Association