I’m not yet ready for spring.


Quality Versus Quantity And The Great Canadian Glimpses

Today was my first day back in the studio after a two week hiatus.
It went well.
I made a ring and a pair of earrings and I also ruined a ring and had to scrap said project.  But all of that wretched ring ruining really supported a statement I made to a lovely lady today:

She had asked me, in an email, if I could tell her all the things I did to market my work and become successful in the world of Etsy.  Anytime anyone asks me something like this, I feel kind of stupid because I don’t really have any answers!  Despite the fact that there is a small business aspect to what I do, I’ve always been a major failure as a business woman.  Really.  I just do stuff and everything works out beautifully.  I just stay true to who I am and everything has always fallen into place for me.  I’m a bit spoiled rotten by God, I think…which isn’t to say I don’t have my own crosses to carry in this life.  I do.  I just try not to dwell on them here…or anywhere, for that matter.

What I told her in the end — the scant advice I had to give was:
You need to identify your definition of success.
Which of these do you value more:
Quantity or quality?
Success, for me, in this crafty world of mine, is when I enter into my creative space and perfectly translate a vision I have into metal and stone.  Success for some others is in numbers:  Numbers of Twitter followers.  Numbers of Facebook friends.  Numbers of sales.  Numbers numbers numbers.  

Does any of that matter if you feel unfulfilled in your work?  Does any of that matter if you aren’t true to who you are in your work?

I prefer to downshift a bit, put my blinders on and settle into perfect translation out in my studio instead of spending hours with an abacus, counting coins, faces, social networking golden stars…
[sterling, 14 carat gold, chrysoprase]

Today I experienced a glorious nibble of success.  
I finished three pieces of jewelry.  I scraped one piece-of-crap-ruined-jewelry into my metal recycling bin on my workbench.  I went for a walk in the weather.  I loved my husband.  I connected with a few wonderful folks out there in the interwebs.  I gave my cat a belly rub.  I made a delicious pizza for supper and now I’m going to go eat it, with a glass of Malbec.  I’m all about the quality in this life — to hell with the numbers (please do pardon my French).

This kind of day to day success is so delightful.
It really is.
What else could matter?
Just live each day well, I say; just do your best, the rest is not your business.


The weatherperson is forecasting blizzard conditions for Pocatello tomorrow.  RW doesn’t comprehend the term blizzard.  He thinks a blizzard means snow.  Ha!  I continue to attempt to define the word for him but he just doesn’t get it.  I hope it’s simply awful tomorrow so he can finally understand the term. 

Can I just say…can I just attempt to convey how much I love the weather we’re having?  It feels so Canadian to me.  Today in the grocery store I noticed a shelf display for Kicking Horse Coffee, which is a roaster located in British Columbia, and I squealed with delight because ever since I arrived home on Friday of last week, there have been little moments, little glimpses, of Canadiana filtering into my life and it makes home seem closer and the Great White North seems a little more South.

In a few moments we’re going to tromp down to a local pub for a drink with a few friends.  I’m going to wear my long down jacket, a toque, mitts and my Sorel boots because baby it’s cold outside.

Put on the furnace, sweet lovers of mine!
Hold your favorite one close and put another quilt on the bed.


Tromping About

[the pupsicle]
It’s been snowing here. I keep meaning to go out to my studio and do a bit of cleaning and organizing before I get to work on Monday but every time I look out the windows I find myself perfectly pleased with making pots of tea and reading books under quilts in the living room.  There’s just something about the first snow of winter that feels like gently drifting doves descending on my heart.  I’m calm.  I’m content.  I like putting things in the oven and building delicious soups on the stove top.

Today we made a pot of elk chili, a thermos of tea and headed into some higher country to do a bit of tromping about in the weather.  There’s nothing so great as the burning chill of winter rose in the cheeks, tumbly fingers fumbling in the cold and the steady fall of winter hush in the round.  I hope you had a restful sabbath.  It’s pumpkin soup for dinner here and perhaps a bit of reading before my eyes close to night.  Stay cozy, wherever you are.


C’est la vie!

Great scott! Life has been busy this week!
I had an awesome day in the studio yesterday and was able to get a few pieces finished with a few more on deck for completion this afternoon.
But I have something kind of important to tell you. I was very sad yesterday — I have perhaps been sad for most of my life. But yesterday something very special happened.

This guy arrived. The postman put a mailer in my hands and when I opened it up, all I could see was magenta magenta magenta (my favorite color). When I opened the package further, I found a faux fox, knitted stole.

Granted. It is very weird. Which is why I like it so well. Additionally, it had me at hello.
Thanks Mona! Believe it or not, I really love it (so does RW). And now my faux fox stole has completed me and I will live a glad life for the rest of my days on Earth.

Well. That was ridiculously melodramatic but I know no other way of behaving or conveying myself (it comes so darn naturally). I’ll snap some photos when I’m next wrapped up in foxy, in the snow and howling wind. I’m sure you’ll appreciate the curiosity much more then! If you already appreciate the curiosity of this scarf, you can find it and many like it, HERE. Happy oggling!
And now, 7Up!

These guys will all be part of the Etsy shop update tomorrow. This group features a saddle ring, claddagh ring, a couple sets of earrings, a turquoise ring (bordering on larimar coloration), a necklace featuring a bezel set, hand pierced enamel disc fired right here in my kiln at Plume Gables (set in the confines of a shadowbox wall). Auspicious. Lastly I finished a large prudent man agate pendant. The stone comes from the Prudent Man Claim here in Idaho and is an amazing agate that resembles Idaho, high desert landscape in amazing hues of teal, pink, grey, brown and red. Additionally, there are highly translucent portions of agate in the cabochon so when it’s held up to the light the individual sage shaped plumes in the stone really pop. Just gorgeous.
Alright, I’m off to grocery shop, snaggle a latte and then settle into a few happy hours of making, out in my studio. We’ve got a gorgeous Idaho blue sky here today, barely a breeze and the white of frost on the trees and grass has already been consumed by the sun. I’ve got wings on my heels! A happy heart! I hope you’re well, I love you so.

Feeling Brisk

Only two things can make me smile like this:

I woke up to snow this morning. The west bench is glazed with the good stuff. Down valley, in Inkom, there’s a generous dusting to behold. These hills come alive with a little bit of white. Also, it’s doggone brisk outside. I’d say that today we are experiencing our first cold, fall winds in Pokey though the word cold doesn’t do the breeze justice. I tend to refer to the fall winds as freshly flung daggers of ice that penetrate wool, down and fur like they’re cutting through jello (I have a flair for the dramatic though…). If you live in my town or in my area of Idaho I know I’ll get an amen from you. One of my favorite things to witness, when the weather turns cold, is all the emo kids in their skin tight pants and greasy hair under dressed for the weather and walking down Main Street like freezing to death is cool. Even the Ramones wore coats and whilst they weren’t really emo, they DID wear extremely tight pants if you recall. Hey. Ho. Let’s go.

Holy crow! While preparing this blogpost, RW walked in the door!
I guess that’s the second thing that makes me smile like this (quick post revision).

What makes me smile even bigger are the following facts:
1. I had a terrifying fit of insomnia last night. Tonight I’ll sleep deep and I’ll feel totally safe.
2. The Snake River Hotshots are officially unavailable which means RW is almost done work which means I’ll have a family again very soon.
3. Hot tea and books in the living room tonight.
4. Farley will be ten times less neurotic since he’s going to get to hunt 7 days a week starting today.
5. Cooking for two is so much easier than cooking for one. No more pita chips and hummus for dinner!
Whew. I have to get out to the studio and do a bit of work now.
I hope you’re feeling the season change where you are!
Oh gosh. It’s blizzarding! What a welcome sight.
Skis, down parkas, mittens, rosie cheeks:
PS Pardon the green yard. The snow isn’t sticking in town yet…