
[I have been working.  Steadily and quietly.  Happily and freely.  Building a small empire of rings to set free in my shop sometime this week.  Stay tuned.]IMG_3735

I get better, as years go by, at putting my head down and quietly working.  I wasn’t always this way.   I used to squander my energy on all kinds of useless things, all kinds of tragic relationships, all kinds of confused, ego-driven contrivances that only served to dull my light (and I should clarify when I say ego, I am referring to my own).  I’ve changed a lot over the years, I am grateful I have, grateful for growth and earnestly eager for more depth and strength to arrive to my wobbly little frame, as depth and strength will arrive, on the edges of blades and the whims of wind.  I recover faster from heartbreak these days.  I wouldn’t say my skin has thickened, I don’t want it to.  I value my sensitivities.  I can tell you that I break just as badly and easily as I ever did.  I shatter like a glass window under the stress of a piercing high note when I am in a thorny pair of indelicate hands.  And, quite sadly, I have known a lot of thorny, indelicate hands.  Haven’t we all?  The good news is this: something in me pushes back hard against the violence of life.  I heal faster than I ever did before.  I don’t have time to wallow in the miry clay.  I feel what I must feel, take the blunt, punching force of consequence directly on the chin, as I must, from time to time.  When I am angry, I literally run the fire of my rage down to ash and cast it off into the wind before it burns me black from the inside out.  I don’t have time for the things I used to make time for.  But I digress.  In the here and now, while I quietly work, the space falls silent around me, I wear peace like a cloak and I find I have so much appreciation for the grace of my studio and the big windows that look out past the jungle of my yard and into the rolling face of beautiful Idaho.

Today, I am in the studio and Imogen Heap’s “Hide and Seek” has started to quietly and powerfully trickle out of the speakers below the workbench.  I’ve left the lights off, as I do most days, the sky is pouring in the huge window that looks steadily West.  The song begins to crescendo.  I sing along.  Out of the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of broad, flittering movement from South of the house, a swaying of slight shadow that seems to stem from the very roots of Scout Mountain where it stands gleaming and wide, slapping thin air at 9000ft.  I raise my head to look, to see, to understand the thing that has caught my eye; I see a mumuration of starling as it sweeps over the yard and up into the prickly tower of  the blue spruce where it hangs in careful shades of teal over my quirky little farmhouse.  The tree bends and shifts in the wind, carefully catching birds, one by one bringing each to bough.  It is raining.  The whole world outside my big window is wet, wind beaten and bleeding blue under a strange spring sky.  The spruce is loaded and bursting with birds.  A lesser grouping of starling sweeps in, swirls and settles in the catalpa tree.  I look up once more from writing this in my sketchbook to see the starling leave as wildly and briskly as they arrived, I hold in my breath as I watch the mass of dark flapping, up they go, across the sagebrush and then gone.  Fleeting.  Their presence was fleeting.  I exhale.

I feel lonely.  Those birds owned my heart, if only for a short while.

Sometimes I belong to a beautiful thing for a matter of seconds, mere minutes, short days, tidy weeks, a month or two, a quick splay of a year…no matter the length of time I am bound to it, bound to a beautiful thing, I miss it when it goes.

Southwest — All The Rest

If I may say so, you should prepare yourself for a visual feast!  I didn’t think I did a lot of shooting on our trip to the Southwest in February but this collection of images would prove otherwise.  These photos were taken in the Mojave Desert of Arizona and California, the foothills of Ramona, California and San Diego.  When Robert and I set out to plan our February adventure we hoped to make it over to Texas to raft a portion of the Rio Grande after meandering through New Mexico but had to axe a huge portion of our journey in order to make it to a family fiesta in San Diego and then home to a wedding in Idaho (in which we played roles of bridesmaid, groomsman, wedding official and hip hop dancers…more on that at a later date).  So, while this trip did not turn out how we planned, not at all, it was still a very, very fabulous time — we made some memories together which is, in essence, all I really wanted from this trip.

Thanks to all our friends and family who opened their homes to us, and special thanks to one of my favorite little boys who gave up his bunk beds in his man cave for us — you’re the best, Roo.  We sure appreciated it.

Without further delay, please enjoy!


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I spent my birthday eve and birthday morning barefoot, in a long red dress, on the back of an indian pony, riding the dry escarpments along the Colorado River of Arizona under a magnificent sunset and sunrise.  Anything less magical would have been uncivilized and unnatural.  I watched the last hours of 31 fade away in the raw and refined glory of a sinking sun from the back of a horse and ushered in my first hours of 32 under a beautiful blue sky in the very same horsey manner.  It was dry as a whistle out there in the low desert of Arizona but I felt like I had a million blessings raining down on me, soaking me through to the soul.  It is good to be 32.  I can’t wait to live the heck out of every moment of this year.

On my birthday, on the highway between Quartzsite, Arizona and Blythe, California, I saw desert bighorns — a burly ram chasing two ewes across red rock.  You probably heard my shriek of delight, no matter where you are on this fair planet of ours.  Those bighorns were surely a sign of all the rare and incredible things to come in this next year of my life.

Onward.  Upward.  Fearlessly.  Truthfully.  Courageously.  2014.  My year of 32.

:::Post Scriptus:::

I haven’t told you this, M, but riding Alibi was one of my very best birthday gifts this year.  Thank you.  X

Southwest Zest

IMG_2827elk good IMG_2846elk good IMG_2858elk good IMG_2867elk good IMG_2879elk good IMG_2883elk goodWe’ve been to Arizona and back again (and San Diego too).  The Southwest had a lot of zest.  In case you are worried by my absence, I am currently taking a full month off from work, I failed to tell you that before disappearing!  Oops.

In point of fact, the most productive thing I accomplished today was the 2 hour long nap I took in the middle of the afternoon.  Yup.  I’m on holiday…souliday…restiday…and I deserve it (so do my thyroid and adrenal glands).  I am beginning to receive some really sweet and concerned emails so I wanted to let you know I’m simply resting and recovering from the general wear and tear of life here, enjoying Rob’s company before he ships out for early season work in the southeast…and I am painting and carefully filling my creative well.  I’ll be back, sooner than later, hopefully with a heap of zest and some bright verve to share.

Until then,