May it be so…

IMG_2402IMG_2417 IMG_2423 IMG_2426Wear the word, if it’s not already true, may it be so!  This is just about the cutest little necklace ever — a little bit bebop, a little bit hip hop and sweetly fierce, to boot.  You can find it over in the shop.


IMG_2049elk goodDawn patrol with fresh powder, two buddies, and the willows full of chickadees?  Yes, please.

On February First

IMG_1893elk good

IMG_1892elk goodIMG_1883elk goodIMG_1881elk good

IMG_1901elk good IMG_1951elk goodIMG_1965elk goodIMG_1980elk goodThis was, perhaps, one of the very best skis of my life…certainly the best ski of the year for me, and the best day of the year so far.

Details of note:

-a nearly five hour skijor with the dogs

-linking summits — Crystal Summit with Scout Mountain

-the bird songs!

-going high enough to where the sub-alpine fir begin to tower in fuzzy cones, and then beyond into areas with gnarled and twisted douglas fir, forever changed by lightning strikes

-running a tremendously steady two dog team, Farley was looking strong and energetic

-the only other human presence was the very distant hum of a snow machine I could hear for mere minutes

-we were craving adventure, something out of the ordinary, so we skied trails we didn’t even know existed, winding higher and higher into the wilds

-skiing in and out of isolated flurries

-the view from up top, oh, the view

-tree lines rising upwards in furry layers, to meet the sky

-the quietude

-reading animal tracks

-a sunset blazing through a squall

-a rusted fir

-that quiet, downhill corner where I could not shake the snow from my eyes

Dark and Rich

IMG_1701elk good IMG_1855elk good IMG_1863elk goodThree dark ones, rich with slivers of robust color and a dash of mysterious warmth…


IMG_1595 IMG_1613 IMG_1626 IMG_1629 IMG_1596 IMG_1627[sterling & dendritic agate]

Rings for winter worshippers.