Roll your windows down and play it loud.

Thanks everyone, so much, for these beautiful comments!  I randomly generated a few numbers and the winners of the mix CD packages are the following:




Thanks gals!  I’ll fire you an email in a few moments so you can give me your mailing addresses.


Attention folks:  It’s hot out there.  Technically it’s still springtime but the weather is acting a lot like summer.  I know you need some good summertime music to play in your car while you criss cross town, drive out to your cabins or bike along the river bank with the wind in your long, sun kissed tresses.  I’ve made you a mix CD.  There’s a bit of the oldies and goodies and the newies and boppities on it.  Leave a wee comment at the bottom of this post if you’d like to be entered in the drawing for these mix CDs.  There are three to be won and it will be my pleasure to send them out with a little handful of other goodies.  Once they’ve reached their final destinations I’ll be sure to release this playlist so you can all enjoy it!  I’ll leave the comment section open for a couple of days before I do the drawing.

Just because I love you.

Summer on, sweet things.  Summer on.


Farley says, “Do please hurry and leave your lovely little comment so she’ll take this thing off my darling noggin.”

Bee Locket

[sterling, copper, enamel, graphite & coral]
A little locket
made to hold
something hardworking and sweet.

Lately, while up the mountains running with the dogs, I continually bump into fat little bees questing for the sweetest flowers. I often stop, sit down in the wildflower patches and watch them as they fill their leg baskets with pollens. I get up close enough that we bump noses. Sometimes I talk to them as they work and tell them where I saw nice patches of balsam root. It might seem like a simple critter to watch but a lot can be learned from a little bee.

I love this piece and that little blue bumbler is more delicate than you could ever imagine.  Sublime.  Available over in the shop where there is also a bit of a moving sale going on.

This beautiful. This natural.

Never postpone gratitude.  Ingratitude robs us of enthusiasm.
[Albert Schweitzer]

The Pink Pinecone

[sterling, copper, enamel, coral & graphite]

Just a little pink pinecone with a squirrel inside — a squirrel locket!  Each time I look at it I laugh out loud and then I fall in love.  I’ve gone off the deep end of whimsy this week.  It’s so much fun and it keeps my heart light.

Cute floors, eh?

This is us perched on a sea foam green/turquoise-esque floor in the Airstream!  In case you forget, this is what our rig looked like inside the day we set out to begin this refurb.

Rob and I both have bed head in this photo.  We had dreadful cases of insomnia last night and felt so foggy this morning we could barely dress ourselves.  I do wish you could all come over and lounge around on our new flooring with us.  The Airstream is such a lovely and tranquil space right now with a delicate echo and the shadows of the Austrian pine filtering in through the skylight.  We still have the plexiglass protective sheeting on the lower walls which we’ll strip off once Rob has the floor molding in place.  Even though that white stuff is still on the walls though, this rig really gleams on the inside.

We have five work days remaining before we shut things down to clean the house, move our boxes and bags into our big silver rig and take off down the highway.  Can you believe it?  I can’t believe it.  It’s taken so much hard work to get our lives ready for this transition and it’s been worth every bead of sweat and every consternating moment with a floppy sheet of aluminum.


My camera broke yesterday.  Within an hour I had it in a box on the way to the Canon repair center in California.  The funny thing is, I think I’m grieving for it!  I didn’t realize how much my camera has become an extension of my body.  It makes sense, sometimes I take 400 photos in a day, just for the heck of it.  My camera was a real workhorse.  I hope the Canon center can fix it for me, and soon.  I’m borrowing a friend’s camera at the moment (Thank you J+J!), but it feels funny in my hands and I miss what I know.  Don’t you just sometimes miss what you know?

Duty calls, out in the studio!



I just read over this post and I must apologize!  It is, by far, the most scatterbrained thing I have ever written and I’m a tad bit embarrassed of it.  What the heck?  Maybe I had the coffee jitters…