On The Topic of RW

[inside the Airstream, both 15 piece endcaps are up and riveted, now more than half the interior is walled]

Can I take a moment to tell you something?  Robert is incredible.  Not only is he an elite wild land firefighter (and very humble about that fact), but he can pretty much build anything, he’s great at the art of design and his craftsmanship is wonderful and detail oriented.  He loves to garden and is generally very gifted at nurturing and raising animals and plants.  He used to be a fish biologist and it was a pleasure to watch him raise and research the threatened and endangered fish he worked with and become an expert on the topic.  Watching him run a backhoe is like going to the ballet — he performs the most delicate little scoops and pivots you’ve ever seen.  He is skilled at the domestic arts and thinks nothing of whipping up a chocolate cake from scratch at 9PM on a Friday night.  He’s a skilled and ethical sportsman.  He makes careful, patient shots at big game and is always compassionate and quick to end the suffering of an animal — which takes courage.  He is an incredible dog trainer.  Farley hunts at a master hunter level, I know that Tater Tot will too.  I fell in love with him (the first time) when I watched him fly fish in New Zealand shortly after we met — his back-cast never gets snaggled on trees or brush and his passion for trout is unparalleled and contagious.  He can always start a fire when we need it most.  I love the way his eyes squint when he looks over to the horizon.  When he off-roads in our truck, he is sensible and doesn’t tend to cowboy around.  He believes in taking care of things.  Pears are his favorite fruit.  He can burn through a pair of running shoes in two months and has been known to ruin a pair of double kneed Carhartts in just three short weeks.  I like the way his hands look when we’re done bird hunting and he empties his shotgun chamber of shells.  He is mostly patient and always kind.  He has a faint, very faint sort of…lisp.  He dances like a countrified version of Michael Jackson, you’d have to see it to believe it.  Our friends always come to him for advice, he gives it thoughtfully and respectfully.  He is a terrifying debate opponent and argues logically and intelligently.  Children adore him.  He is consistent in his beliefs and is respected for his faith.  He is a best friend to all who meet him and know him.  He does our taxes.  He is honest.  He likes Coors Light.  Our friends say they wish he would run for president of the USA but I don’t ever want to be the First Lady.  His smile is crooked and his eyelashes are like feathers.  He likes big country, clear water, volcanic canyon lands and Idaho.  The Northern Sierra Nevada of California raised him.  He’s an all American boy.  He cares for me.  He’s the best man I have ever met.  I just thought you should know.

A Little Rain

Last night, we fell asleep to the sound of rain.  The window in the bedroom was wide open and the biting, brisk rush of the weather fluttered the bed sheet against my cheek as I drifted off into dreamville.  This morning, I woke up fresh and early , traveled over to the dentist for a teeth cleaning, grabbed a scrumptious, creamy latte and drove up the mountain with the country music playing just a little too loud so I could check on the pussy willows and see if they’re ready for cutting yet.  Is there anything prettier than a pussy willow bouquet in the early springtime?  The willows weren’t quite ready for gleaning but it was wonderful to be up on Gibson Jack with the wind flying like knives and the trees groaning in the sun while the clouds were smoothing the wide open blue.  As always, it was such a good morning to be Idahoan.

I like all kinds of things right now.  Here’s a share-share:

If you need some bolstering and the feel of a big wide smile on your face, watch this.  Fuchsia pants?  Here’s a pair.  Get at it.  This is beautiful, I especially like the part about being tethered to the wind — press play.  All kinds of interesting things are being pinned over here.  Won’t you join me?  A friend and I were recently discussing Zuni bracelets and I want this one very badly.  Isn’t it beautiful?  I have about a million little earrings to list in the shop today, watch for them.  There’s something about being free from toques and scarves that makes me want to hang beautiful things in my ears.  Bless you spring and summer.  Bless you.  Lastly, I feel like I say this all the time and it’s so inadequate, but you’re so nice.  Thanks for being wonderful human beings.


New Postcard Packs

There’s a new postcard pack in the Etsy shop featuring images I took while on a cattle drive here in Idaho, last autumn.  I think they’re wonderful photos that manage to really capture the spirit of the day, but also the spirit of the interior West and the people who keep small ranching communities humming and thrumming.  I doubled up with a friend on a horse for a few hours to get these shots — she steered us straight and true as my camera whirred away.  These are my favorite shots from the day, not just because of their content, but also because of the way the dust kicked up by one thousand head of cattle managed to turn the world to shades of blue, gray and gold — just gorgeous.  It was awesome to watch the cattle dogs do their business, the cowboys and cowgirls push stray dogies out of sagebrush and back onto the road and heck, it was a good day to be riding a horse on American soil.

I hope you are transported by these images the same way I am whether you use them as actual postcards or tack them to your inspiration boards around your home!

On A Beautiful Monday

[sterling & chrysoprase]

Howdy, one and all!  I hope you had a beautiful Easter weekend.  Rob and I attended the sunrise service at our church where we sang most of my favorite old, soul stirring hymns and uttered to each other and our neighbors:

Christ is risen!

He is risen indeed!  Alleluia!  Amen.

After church we hosted a really lovely brunch for our friends.  We moved the dining room table out onto the front lawn and stayed out there for the better part of the day while we ate, sipped coffee and mimosas and were generally merry.  The weather here over the weekend was utterly stupendous.  In point of fact, I still haven’t brought the dining room table inside.  It’s located on the front porch now and I’ve been eating every meal out there in the breezy sunlight of spring, watching the snow melt off the mountains and the lilacs bud into their frenzy of eventually voluminous violet and frothy magenta (how I dearly love a lilac).  Last night, we went running with a pack of our friends up and around the mountain and all I could really bring myself to say, over and over again, was how lucky  I felt to live where we live and call my mountain my own.  Sometimes, when all falsities fall away and the scales drop from my eyes, I can see how full and brilliant my life is and my heart feels like it may burst with gratitude.  I’m so terribly in love with living and all the good and bad that comes with the effort of rising from bed every morning and going about my day.  This is actually my goal for every day of my life, to rise up in the morning with a full heart that recognizes every blessing in my life and then to fall back into bed at night with only gratitude on my lips.  It doesn’t sound so tricky when I write it here but the perceived hardships of life can become a cumbersome clutter in the alleyways of the soul.  I reckon it really comes down to choosing fullness of heart and joy and thankfulness — all day, every day.  Don’t you think?

I choose.  Oh I do.  I do.


In other news, a dearly becoming dearer friend of mine sent me a stunt kite.  How did she know?!!  A kite is one of the best ways to tame and tether the wind.  I had a stunt kite when we lived in Arizona and I felt so ALIVE when I flew it.  I can hardly wait for the next windy day.


Do you have best friends who live hundreds or thousands of miles away from you?  Do you miss them?  What do you do to show them you love them and remember them many times, every day?


I’m off to run the mountain (oh, it calls me like a siren).  Afterwards, I’m going to make a pair of huge, glorious salads for RW and I to dine upon.  These past few nights we’ve been making our way through Star Wars and I like to sit and tuck my toes under Rob’s knees and laugh at everything Han Solo says.  Then I think about how I won’t have to say goodbye to RW this coming fire season and then I think my heart may explode out of my chest because everything feels so fine, so fine.  I’m his Princess Leia.  He’s my Millennium Falcon flying scoundrel.

Be well, you brilliants.


Dear Meadowlarks,

I must call you that.  There is no sweeter song.  No brighter bird.  No greater reason for running the mountain in spring than the meadowlarks.  They are such a grand company of chanteusical wingedness.  This week is nearly past and so many wonderful things have been happening to us, I could blather on for hours about all the wonders of this world and of friends, hamburgers for dinner and ice cold pickles but I’ll try to keep this short.  Officially, I’m beginning to pack for Winthrop.  I’m purchasing the smaller tools I’ll need in my compressed studio space this summer, deciding which of my tea cup collection will come with me and of course, which shoes I’ll need most of all (blerg)!  Packing is such a terrible thing.  I try to find a way to view it as a cup-half-full activity but it’s as annoying as heck and I know when we get to Winthrop, I’ll remember a thousand things I need that I failed to pack.  Oh well.  We’re one month(ish) away from the move and I’m making spools of lists, checking them all twice and what is forgotten will be lived without I suppose!  I’m all tangled up in the month of May before April is through but I’ve never been one to mind a snaggle here or there.  Dropped stitches let the light shine through.

By the way, Talulah, our Volkswagen bus, is up for sale.  I know!  Breaks your heart, doesn’t it?  We’ve decided, since we’ll be away the entire summer and I won’t be here to travel around in her and take her camping that it’s probably best to send her off to someone who will.  It’s a tragedy.  But I remind myself that I have an Airstream now and all is silvermerry.

Is anyone else suffering with springtime allergies?  I’ve been down and out, sneezing my wee snout right off my darling face for a few days now.  It’s dreadful.  Robert has me taking all kinds of medications and I feel my brain is full of fuzz most of the while — like a bear cub crawled in there, rolled into a little ball and is talking in his sleep.  It’s making work quite difficult.  Everything is coming out achoo when I’m not busy clawing at my eyes.  Just lovely.

Lastly, you are so nice.

