Vox Humana

Vox Humana.
This is the human voice sailing
rising up in trembling echoes to dash against sky, rock and lake in graceful curves.
This is the arc of beautifying. That broadness within that comes
with letting go and reaching out.
There is expansion here, like the push and pull of lungs, the testing of space, the fullness of time.
With the rising of the sun, and the going down of the same, the unfurling of soulscape
the whispering of a Holy Name.


All around me, hands are casting stars.
The water is burning.
My voice has foundered.

Praise is the silent dip of a paddle in water
navigation by starlight and aurora
the spin of a compass needle
the prickle of night sky on skin
cold hands in a sleet storm
gripping gunwales with white fingers
that deep bed of moss I called home.
I am birch, peeling on the surface, and jack pine (the only release is fire).
I am stabbed with ice.

Why use words when a careful trill in sweet, melodic intervals heaves with truth.
When the ice breaks up,
will you sing me home?
I could rest

Out In Idaho

We had a sister come up to Idaho to go bird hunting with us for a few days!  It was a wonderful time — she has an adventurous spirit and the land was so fine.

Farley was top notch, as always.  It’s such a pleasure to watch him work.  His instincts and drive in the field are legendary.  You’ve never seen a bird dog so courageous and big hearted.  When I get to hunt behind him and watch him do the thing he was born to do, it’s thrilling and my heart swells with pride.  He covered ground until his feet were in tatters and ribbons and the wind was blowing in the wrong direction.  The land was big and broad, dusted with sagebrush and flanked with rims of volcanic rock.  It was all choked up with Hungarian partridge coveys, a dash of quail here and there as well as chukar where the air meets the edges of the canyons.  It was brilliant to be out in it, bracing against a sharp, hard wind, skating across frozen water and side stepping mafic rubble.

When the cold weather comes, the mule deer gather here for a season of light grazing, antler shedding and dozing in their ungulate nests in the shelter of the side hills.  We watched them bound across the flats in clusters, disappear around the edges of canyon walls, leap up from their beds when we caught them unawares — always those telescopic ears wavering in our direction and collecting the minutia delicata of our boots crushing jagged snow crystals between sage and soles.  The deer, they move in tempo rubato but our pace was slow and steady, leaving space for Farley to work in broad arcs through the sage.

Of course, there were those incredible details of winter clinging so elegantly to the gnarled twist of stem and bark — crystalline and reflective until burned away by blue skies and bright sun.  Have I ever loved Idaho like I love her now?  Probably not.  I’ll love her even more by tomorrow…she has that effect on me.
I do hope you’ve all had a splendid weekend.
Rest your souls.

Ebony Jingle

[sterling, copper & rubber]

I’ve been working on a bit of an ebony jingle out in the studio.  It moves like long grass in mountain water.  A bit mystical and a bit divine — it carries every shade of black and is musical too.  I kind of love it.

Talking About Traveling

[sterling & imperial jasper]

This morning, while waiting for the studio to warm up, I was sitting in the sunlight in the kitchen, sipping a cafe au lait and writing a letter to a friend and I suddenly realized I have a bit of a travel bug at the moment.  In my letter to my friend, I asked if she could go anywhere at the moment, if time and money were plentiful and free, where would she go? Then I answered the question for myself.  If I could go anywhere right now, I would go to: The Canadian Arctic (Ellesmere or Baffin Island), Antarctica, Northern Yukon Territory, Iceland, Labrador, Prince Edward Island or Norway.  Reading over this list, I realize that most of the places I want to visit are sparsely populated or uninhabited by humans and are covered in ice and snow most of the year.  I also tend to favor places with bands of wild horses (oh, that just had me fantasizing about the sage flats of Wyoming which are so desolate and barren and positively swarming with mustangs).

How about you?  If you could travel anywhere in the world, starting tomorrow morning, where would you go?

I reckon it’s quite fun to daydream about things like this. You never know where your wings will take you someday!

It’s a brand new Monday!  I love Mondays.  Well, I love new beginnings, as a general rule — so fresh and unhampered, like chartreuse tulip shoots in springtime.  I’m taking a day off as soon as I finish typing this. Yesterday I became suddenly very, very tired and I realized I haven’t had a day off from the studio or computer for a good long while so I’m letting my soul and body fallow today. It’s carefully and quietly snowing outside, which makes me feel gentle and serene.  I am brewing a small ocean of tea, wearing my favorite orange corduroy pants and listening to the starling as they rattle through the grapevines.  It’s a nice start to a new start.

Have a wonderful beginning to this new week, you beauties!
