For the original written word on this series, please go here!
The initial notion for the Body Cavity Series was actually this whale design. I even talked to a handful of people about the idea before actually creating this piece and beginning this series…but the whale, the whale was the first. The whale was the first, delicate seed of an idea. I finally finished him a few moments ago and man oh man it feels good. I love the thrill of seeing one of my ideas come to fruition; there’s nothing quite so addicting (and healthy)!
I wasn’t sure I could do it! This is the largest piece of metal I’ve hydraulically formed so far! The whale form has been taken from my own sketches and templates which makes him 100% mine and one of a kind and being able to say such a thing feels so, so good to this artist. A bit of repousse work around the actual body cavity created some fantastic and organic glass patterning around the actual hole in the side of this creature. Wowee! I love how it turned out! It almost looks like a cannon shot a hole in the side of this big fish…or he ate a huge tuna one afternoon and simply (violently) ruptured right open. I don’t mean to gross you out. But the opening on this whale is simply fantastic. Totally organic. Lovely! This piece is built of sterling, copper, enamel, pink coral, carved ivory, velvet and bits of me (of course).
And now I’m exhausted (I have a feeling I’m not making any sense as I type this). I’ve been working since Saturday morning (well, I slept a bit at night) and I’m going to go try to relax and lay about in the living room sun. Perhaps I’ll take a nap even! Can you imagine?
Have a beautiful weekend, one and all!
The Plume