everything is everything


7I9A4208Luminous, mysterious kyanite!!!  Otherworldly.  I’ve had these rings partially finished, laying there forlorn and pathetic on my studio bench since February — I finally set the stones today.  I love how they turned out.

Each ring features a bezel set kyanite flanked by my textured and hammer formed flying birds; there’s a lot of movement and dimension to this design but these are rings that still manage to wear very elegantly and easily.

But let’s be honest, the stones are the thing.  This kyanite seems unfathomable and the way it holds the light is pretty unreal.  Gorgeous stuff.

You’ll find them in my shop on Monday around noon with a handful of other goodies.



NOW CLOSED :: Spring Giveaway

Thank you all for the amazing comments you left on this giveaway post!  I appreciate you taking the time.  For anyone who included a book title, movie title or music suggestion we ALL thank you because this comment section has become a place of reference we can return to.

I had Robert choose a number between 1 and 280 and he chose:


Congratulations to Benedikte!  I’ll fire you an email in a moment.

Lastly, I want to say thanks to all the men who popped by and entered a comment on this giveaway in an attempt to win this piece for their ladies!  I loved seeing you here.

Love to you all.



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It’s high time we did another giveaway around here!  We have many things to celebrate lately — plenty of dreams have come true for us this year and I always love to pay that kind of joy forward as much as I am able.

This necklace is built of sterling silver and some of those beautiful little carved turquoise crosses you’ve all been going crazy for.  The pendant is flighty and open and is on a long chain so it hits just above the belly button (depending on your stature).  I can see this being someone’s summer staple paired with jean shorts and easy going, drapey tank tops that let the breeze in.

As always, to enter to win this necklace simply leave a comment on this post.  Let me know what you are most looking forward to about the coming northern hemisphere summer and if you’re in the southern hemisphere, let me know what you’ll cherish about winter!  I’m always looking for new music, new books and movies to watch so feel free to share any of those details, too.

I’ll draw a winning name sometime next week.

I love having you in my little world.



:::Post Scriptus:::

I am giving away another necklace like this one, but different, on my instagram account.  Head over there to enter your name in the drawing.

The Chukar Eternal (and a brief service announcement)

7I9A3770 7I9A3772 7I9A3774  I’ve wanted to make a necklace like this since I began upland hunting, years ago.  The wishbone you see here is actually a wishbone from a chukar that our dogs hunted by scent, pointed, Rob or I flushed and shot on the wing so we could eat it — most of you know we consume mostly (like 90%) wild meat here, meat we have gone out and worked hard for the chance to harvest from our public lands in Idaho (and also in New Mexico this year).

Anyway, if you ever wanted a simple yet elegant piece of jewelry that is truly of the West, this is it.

The spirit of the chukar is one of resilience, strength and endurance but he also has a heck of a sense of humor.  My own spirit I attach to all the work I craft is one of independence, joy, curiosity, persistence, intensity, sensibility, whimsy and perhaps a pinch of “devil may care”.  I can feel all of these things in this little sterling bone.  It’s simply beautiful.

I’ve been calling this necklace the Chukar Eternal but I suppose it’s a part of the series of jewelry I have been working on for years that I have always called Honoring Remains.  I have been wearing this necklace and while it’s beautiful on (the curves of this sterling wishbone echo the curves of my own wishbone, also known as the clavicle in the human body), it truly does hold a sense of the holy and echos the Voice that I hear when I am out on the land here — it is the wind, the sage, the spring creeks, the lava flow, the river, the snow, the lichen on the canyon walls, the clear blue sky, the squall, the very heartbeat of Idaho and my own heartbeat too, since this is as much my habitat as it is the habitat of the elk, mountain lion or chukar.

In short, it’s special.

I have run out of studio time and must help Rob haul the Airstream up to McCall to get settled for the summer but I will be offering these necklaces in the shop in the next couple of weeks.  Stay tuned for them.  I am also chipping away at getting a big batch of bison skull rings made for you.  Things are coming, time is tight at the moment, I appreciate your patiences so much.  I guess I just want you to know I am working hard for you and that these coming pieces are going to serve your beautiful souls so well!


I wanted to also let you know, in brief, what this summer is going to look like for us:

The move to McCall for the fire season is a little move.  We have been jimmy-rigging the Airstream this week with a kitchen set up, a wall table and we’ve been tearing our hair out when it comes to a bathroom plan.  I don’t think I’ll have a place to shower this summer but I’ve lived in a few spots with Robert where I had to do my bathing and shampooing in rivers and lakes so I’m not stressed about it.  I’m an old hand at this kind of stuff and being a little grubby never seems to hinder my twinkle.

I will be in McCall when Robert is in McCall — when he is not deployed on long-term fires or boosting other smokejumper bases.  I will also be in McCall when the weather is very hot because the high elevation will be a lovely respite from the heat of the high desert.

I am NOT moving my studio this summer.  Yay!!!

My studio will remain at the strawbale house here on the river.  I will work in the studio when I am here at the strawbale house.  I’m going to be coming and going all summer so I can tend my veggie garden here, make jewelry, pick up mail from the PO Box here and make sure the cat has kibbles in his auto-feeder.

When I am in McCall, I will not have WIFI service unless I am in a coffee shop.  This means my ability to answer emails will grind to a bit of a halt this summer.  Forgive me for that.  When I do get a chance to do computer work, I will be taking a triage approach to my inboxes as I did last summer wherein I answer what is absolutely urgent and necessary.  Once those emails are taken care of, I will carry on to less urgent emails.  I am sorry, in advance, if you write and I fail to get back to you in a timely manner or if I fail to respond at all!  I always feel awful about my inability to keep up with the email inbox which gets especially backed up in the summer months.

I do hope to do at least one shop update a month over the course of the fire season.  I have many beautiful ideas in my heart right now that I cannot wait to work on!

If you pass through Boise or McCall on your travels this summer please give me a holler!  I’d love to go swimming or fishing or iced tea sipping with you!

Ok.  I think that’s it.  Oh, I’m going to post a giveaway here and another on my Instagram account tomorrow so stay tuned for that!


Fly Fishing Mavens

7I9A34657I9A3272 7I9A3294 7I9A3373 7I9A34487I9A35337I9A36227I9A3584I was in Missoula last week for the Orvis Guide Rendezvous.  The main event for me was a facilitated discussion Orvis hosted with 35 other women who fly fish over a span of two days.  I’ve never really been into girl power, I mean, I don’t do any of the things I do outside or in life because I have something to prove or because I have a big, ugly, feminist chip on my shoulder (don’t be confused, I am a feminist and believe that women have the right to try and do anything they wish in life — I live the life of a true feminist in that regard).  I do the things I do because I genuinely like to do them and because I pretty much always do exactly what I want to do in life.

I’m Jillian Lukiwski.  I do what I want.

But let’s get back to the subject on hand.

I found myself sitting in a room with 35 woman of varying ages and talents who all like to fish or have built careers or businesses around fishing and it was pretty incredible.  In point of fact, I have never felt such a sense of sisterhood with a diverse group of women ever before in my entire life!  The way we all patiently heard each other and allowed each other to speak was utterly magnificent to behold.  Let me tell you something else about those girls, they were all fit, sun kissed, intuitive, gracious, patient, intelligent, well spoken, wise, driven and every single one was outrageously beautiful — I mean physically beautiful…total bombshells.  It was a wild batch of wonderful female specimens.  There were only two men in the room over the two days of meetings but I found myself wondering if they saw us the way I saw us — just a super batch of completely radiant gals gunning hard for meaningful, well lived lives.  I am 34 years old and I keep wondering why it took me so long to find this tribe?

I found our discussion stimulating and deeply meaningful beyond the sense of sisterhood I felt.  Orvis has an incredible vision and I think it’s safe to say they are blazing a trail when it comes to women and fly fishing.  They want to see a 50/50 split in the field, an equal amount of women and men on the water catching fish.  They want to figure out how to keep women fishing because let’s face it, once kids are in the picture, it can be difficult for women to keep up any kind of lifestyle or hobby for a while.  Sometimes, when we put something on hold, it turns into something we quit.  Orvis doesn’t want that for women when it comes to fly fishing (or any outdoor pursuit).  Folks can pack an infant on their backs and go fishing (I know a few really cool girls who fish like this) but once a kid gets too big to carry, how do we keep ladies on the rivers and lakes fishing?  We didn’t totally find the answer to this specific question as a group but we talked a lot about what is important to us as sporting women and how we thought we could draw more women into the lifestyle and activity, and how we thought we could keep them doing it for their lifetime, teaching the people around them to love it, too.

After those long meetings we hit the rivers of Montana and I had one of the best river days of my life.  I was actually somewhat nervous to head out with some of these ladies because they are notoriously talented (and in some cases famous) fishers and I am by no means an expert angler.  I have moments of genius on the river but have developed many of my techniques by simply exploring with a fly rod in hand and discovering what doesn’t work and what catches fish.  I’ve never been officially guided, in part because Rob and I have a raft and we simply take ourselves out and explore, or I am fishing alpine lakes, or simply wading rivers or creeks with nice pocket water.

I’ve always loved the beauty of surface takes and have always favored dry fly fishing for this reason, to the point of complacency.  It’s good to know what you love but what I realized is that there’s an huge world out there begging to be fly fished by me.  I want to learn to fly fish every way possible, salt water too.  I want to know how to do it all.  I’ve barely scratched the surface of what I could be doing with a fly rod!  While on the river with six girls in Montana I learned a ton about streamer fishing and I learned to double haul!  The depth of knowledge was there for me to dive into and so I dove, fearlessly and without shame.  I’m so glad I did too.  I find learning utterly thrilling.

This leads me to something I realized while in Montana: women fish differently than men.  I don’t mean the technical approach to casting, I mean in the way we approach the entire experience.  I’ve fished with Robbie my entire fishing career and he is production driven no matter where we are.  He wants to catch fish.  When we are on the river in our boat, he has been known to say, “Jillian, if this raft is in the water, there had better be line out.”  I thought this was just his way of fishing but then I started talking to other girls about it and it turns out this is generally the male way of fishing.  For women, it’s about catching fish, but it’s also about relaxing, watching birds, dropping anchor to watch herons build their nests, swimming, collecting rocks on the gravel bars….

I thought I was alone this whole time but as it turns out, I fish like a female and there is a tribe of gals who fish who have been waiting to claim me for what I am.  We women fish to catch fish, but also to be immersed in the natural world and to dawdle there a bit, between casts, between catches, to enjoy the wind and the sunshine, we want to baptize ourselves in the elements, drift in and out of a sense of wonder, pause, look up from our fly line where it floats in the water and feel it all.  We want to celebrate.  We want to ponder the meaning and mystery of life.

This is what we found ourselves doing on the river, the six of us in our boats, truly reveling in the magic of the river, enjoying the way we all delighted in the world around us and cheering like a pom squad in short skirts when anyone caught a fish or had a bump or a bite, no matter the fish, no matter the success or failure, we did it with the fullness of joy.  When I really nailed my double haul, having those girls tell me it looked strong and knowing they were genuinely delighted by my effort was deeply meaningful for me.  It made my heart grow bigger.  It made me want to invest my love in each and every one of those ladies.

In short, we don’t want to fish like men (though I sometimes say I want to fish like a man when I’ve been reading a lot of Hemingway), we want to fish like women.  We want to do it our way and still fit in a lifestyle and world that has always been owned by affluent white men.  We want to have a place there and we want it without having to compromise how we go about doing it and experiencing it.  We want men to enjoy fishing with us and we want to celebrate with men, as we fish, and share with them the fullness of the joy we feel when we’re on the water.  Be prepared to have a great time, guys, we might even shotgun a beer or two while we’re with you (except not me because I don’t drink beer).

In short, I am a girl and I like to fish.  If you are a girl and you like to fish, I want to fish with you some day.  If you’re a guy and you like to fish, I want to fish with you too, and hopefully you’ll delight in the fact that I fish like a girl.

Since I’ve been home, Rob and I kayaked to our secret spot on the river where some huge rainbows reside.  Those fish are wonderful and naive because no one knows they are there and so they never get fished.  I caught three big, beautiful trout on a streamer (the first fish I have ever caught on a streamer) and I had a fourth on but he breached like a humpback whale, looked me in the eye while his body was hanging there in thin air, and spit out my fly like it tasted dirty — like I wasn’t worth his time or his beauty before he landed back in a river lit neon pink by the sunset.  What a badass.  Oh my soul.  Robbie caught a 24 inch rainbow moments later and it didn’t fit in the net and I thought I would perish watching the back of that fish cleave the surface of the river as Rob was bringing him in.  I showed my husband my double haul.  I told him I would teach him what I knew and that we could practice together and master the skill – he was thrilled because he is a humble, wonderful man and he doesn’t mind learning from me.  It grew dark and we kayaked up river, loaded the boats in the truck and headed home.  Happy.

It’s only April.  I hope I don’t put any of you non-fishing folks off by all the fishing I am going to do this summer.  I hope I inspire you to go outside and connect with the natural world in a way you love — secretly, I hope you go to a river or lake and try your hand at fly fishing.  If you do, report back and tell me about your experience.  I would love to hear about it and I would love to fish with you someday.

[insert fist bump here]