
We picked up and installed two packages of bees yesterday.  Some of you might recall we started bees last spring but tragically, we lost our queen so this year is a do-over and we decided to double down and start two hives instead of one…to make up for lost time, I guess.  These little fuzzy buzzers are such clever little miracles.  They literally make the world go round.  We (humanity) can’t do without them.  It’s an honor and a privilege for us to host these critters under the canopy of our orchards here at the farm and to serve our neighbors and community by tending bees.  That’s the thing about bee keeping, it’s bigger than collecting jars of honey at the end of the year, much bigger.

Buy local honey and hug your bee keepers as often as you can!  They’re doing such special, important work and your appreciation will be appreciated!