A quick lesson from Honky Tonk Tater Tot on how to greet the new year:
Leap up, as high as your legs can lift you, into thin air. Grasp the flittering hope and potential that is suspended there in pure, orbicular, shining white.
Take it in your hands, take it in your teeth, scatter it in one million crystalline refractions that tell of the promise each day holds — the perfect promise of beginning, again, and again, with every new day you meet and live: unfurling, jubilance, the light of hope, the grace of God. When you hit the ground, hit the ground running. When it gets to living, live fully. Every moment. A new year is for the taking. Each day is for the taking. There’s no time to lose.
Love, peace, and joy to you all in 2013!
May your faces shine with hope and happiness! I can’t wait to unfold this year with you.