A quick lesson from Honky Tonk Tater Tot on how to greet the new year:

Leap up, as high as your legs can lift you, into thin air.  Grasp the flittering hope and potential that is suspended there in pure, orbicular, shining white.
Take it in your hands, take it in your teeth, scatter it in one million crystalline refractions that tell of the promise each day holds — the perfect promise of beginning, again, and again, with every new day you meet and live: unfurling, jubilance, the light of hope, the grace of God.  When you hit the ground, hit the ground running.  When it gets to living, live fully.  Every moment.  A new year is for the taking.  Each day is for the taking.  There’s no time to lose.


Love, peace, and joy to you all in 2013!

May your faces shine with hope and happiness!  I can’t wait to unfold this year with you.



Two Winks From Tot

Not much has changed about Honky Tonk Tater Tot, except he’s a bodacious blond now.  Sigh…..teenagers.  I hope this long hair is just a stage.  He told me the female Irish setter down the street really digs it.  He just asked if we can go out and get him some pairs of cowboy boots, oh, and he wants to learn guitar.  It could be a long summer.

Airstream Update

Well folks, she’s coming right along!

Rob has been working on creating the fifteen piece, compound curve end caps in our Airstream which is, apparently, the hardest and most time consuming job on an Airstream refurb!  It looks gorgeous so far.  What you’re looking at in this photo is the end cap that will be directly above my studio work bench.  Can I get a yee haw?  Once the end caps are finished Rob will bang up the rest of the interior walls and then comes the floor.

Here’s a secret for you, sometimes I’m terrified by the prospect of moving to Winthrop but I have good reasons for my terror.  Let me tell you all about the chaos of today.  We’ll be moving to Winthrop in a little more than a month and this morning, we found out we are no longer renting the acreage we thought we were renting.  Remember?  I talked about it in this post.  Horror of horrors, I let my heart and mind hope brightly with regards to that land and I started making plans because that’s what a gal does when she knows where she’s moving to.  This morning, the owners of the property called, cancelled our rental agreement with us and informed us that they are letting their son live on the property this summer instead, my heart went into quiet hysterics.  Surely, you can understand why.  I couldn’t help but cry.

So much energy has been put into making this move this summer, to have our accommodation plans collapse one month before our move is exasperating.  I can bear it.  But I don’t want to!  Frankly, I think I’m tired of making plans.  I want the plans we have to hold together, stabilize, and then become actualized at the start of May.  I’m tired of all this fussy stewing of ideas and potentials.  I just want to lock the details down, pack up all my stuff, make the move and then settle in and simmer down for an awesome six months in the beautiful Methow Valley.  Fortunately, we’ve got a handful of friends helping us find a new place to live at and I know another opportunity will present itself and everything will be peachy.  But in the meanwhile, I have this anxious little rough stone rolling around in my chest making me feel like everything is tipsy, crackling and wavering like a mirage on an Arizona highway.  It makes me feel a bit untethered, unsettled and unsure.  Sometimes that’s just the way of things though, and heck, at least I have a gorgeous looking end cap nearly finished in one end of the Airstream!  Right?  Of course right.

How about you?  Tell me all about your day or toss a sprig of hope at me from where you sit.  I need to be bolstered.

I hope everything’s coming up tulips where you are, if not, just hang on and I will too.


:::Post Scriptus:::

Here is Alien Tater.  Are you laughing?

I am.

A True But Short Story

First he ate them.

Then he wore them.

The End


Out Walking in the Rain and the Snow