Southwest Zest

IMG_2827elk good IMG_2846elk good IMG_2858elk good IMG_2867elk good IMG_2879elk good IMG_2883elk goodWe’ve been to Arizona and back again (and San Diego too).  The Southwest had a lot of zest.  In case you are worried by my absence, I am currently taking a full month off from work, I failed to tell you that before disappearing!  Oops.

In point of fact, the most productive thing I accomplished today was the 2 hour long nap I took in the middle of the afternoon.  Yup.  I’m on holiday…souliday…restiday…and I deserve it (so do my thyroid and adrenal glands).  I am beginning to receive some really sweet and concerned emails so I wanted to let you know I’m simply resting and recovering from the general wear and tear of life here, enjoying Rob’s company before he ships out for early season work in the southeast…and I am painting and carefully filling my creative well.  I’ll be back, sooner than later, hopefully with a heap of zest and some bright verve to share.

Until then,