I was not prepared for how piglets enter the world. I thought they would be flopsy, mopsy little things with soft bodies, closed eyes, and weak legs. I thought they would be like most other infants, dependent and helpless. It’s simply not true. When piglets are born they seem less like frail baby animals and more like tiny pigs. They are strangely dependent on their mother for milk yet somehow, they’re utterly precocious. They hit the ground trotting, marvelous, chunky things covered in velvet and clever spots. They drink their milk. They are endlessly hungry. They oink. They squeak. When I reach out to touch them they startle and leap off the ground, all four tiny pink hooves in the air. It’s hilarious. What is most surprising of all is that their tiny bodies are rock hard with muscles, thickly coiled
Ode To Joy
June 30, 2020 by