Giddy Up

A galloping appaloosa in good old American *red white and blue* graces the handle of this spoon — he’s a real buckaroo on the backside in zany chartreuse with red polka dots.  Dang old crazy mustang!

A true American peculiarity!


Thank you so much for your kind comments about the spoon-berserkers-behavior I’ve been recently displaying.  I bet some of you are saying, “Geez…can’t she just make cocktail rings and hoop earrings???”  I’ll get back to all of that soon enough, young grasshoppers, soon enough.  That said, I just want to tell you that I love your support so tremendously much and appreciate being able to explore and experiment within the realm of my craft.  Seriously.  Thank you.  It’s a huge blessing.  Tomorrow, I am going to go up the mountain, first thing, and have a good meander in the snow for a while and then I’m going to sit down and write a little bit about life, the things I’m discovering, and other great stuff because I’ve been a joyful slave to the studio lately and I haven’t really written for you (for me) (for us) in a long while.  Ok?  Ok.

Have a beautiful night.


Rabbit Spoon

[Rabbit Spoon :: copper & enamel]

Seriously.  The Rabbit.  I swoon.  And that passionate, fire red counter enamel???  I swoon again.  This one is meant to be used when you’re eating a rainbow on top of a mountain in a bikini made of golden eagle feathers with your Lady-Godiva-long-hair-swishing-around-the-backs-of-your-bare-knees.  Alleluia for all the wild things.  Amen.