Dear Meadowlarks,

I must call you that.  There is no sweeter song.  No brighter bird.  No greater reason for running the mountain in spring than the meadowlarks.  They are such a grand company of chanteusical wingedness.  This week is nearly past and so many wonderful things have been happening to us, I could blather on for hours about all the wonders of this world and of friends, hamburgers for dinner and ice cold pickles but I’ll try to keep this short.  Officially, I’m beginning to pack for Winthrop.  I’m purchasing the smaller tools I’ll need in my compressed studio space this summer, deciding which of my tea cup collection will come with me and of course, which shoes I’ll need most of all (blerg)!  Packing is such a terrible thing.  I try to find a way to view it as a cup-half-full activity but it’s as annoying as heck and I know when we get to Winthrop, I’ll remember a thousand things I need that I failed to pack.  Oh well.  We’re one month(ish) away from the move and I’m making spools of lists, checking them all twice and what is forgotten will be lived without I suppose!  I’m all tangled up in the month of May before April is through but I’ve never been one to mind a snaggle here or there.  Dropped stitches let the light shine through.

By the way, Talulah, our Volkswagen bus, is up for sale.  I know!  Breaks your heart, doesn’t it?  We’ve decided, since we’ll be away the entire summer and I won’t be here to travel around in her and take her camping that it’s probably best to send her off to someone who will.  It’s a tragedy.  But I remind myself that I have an Airstream now and all is silvermerry.

Is anyone else suffering with springtime allergies?  I’ve been down and out, sneezing my wee snout right off my darling face for a few days now.  It’s dreadful.  Robert has me taking all kinds of medications and I feel my brain is full of fuzz most of the while — like a bear cub crawled in there, rolled into a little ball and is talking in his sleep.  It’s making work quite difficult.  Everything is coming out achoo when I’m not busy clawing at my eyes.  Just lovely.

Lastly, you are so nice.
